Touch Rugby in Capital Federal

juan f roman

Mar 19, 2011
Hello all,

I'm trying to get together a bunch of rugby or ex-rugby players that would like to play touch rugby once a week. The idea would be to play on a lighted mini football or basketball court sideways with tennis shoes (so no need for boots) and only 8-10 people required. It's a great workout, a lot of fun and of easy access for those that live in Capital and want to practice rugby informally (no clubs, fees or contact).

All of those interested please reply to this thread and we'll decide which day and time is better for all. I already have 3 more players.


Did you get anywhere with your touch rugby group? I haven't played for two years but used to play mixed touch regularly in Belgium. I've been looking for a club in Capital Federal for a while with no luck. Let me know if you are still looking for (female) players.

Hi Juan,

I'm very keen to play some touch if you are still playing? I'm from South Africa, and have played touch here and there through University.

Please let me know time and place on this thread? I'm in BA for the next two months.
I would be interested in this. Please let me know if anything is organised.
I'm also interested and used to play in Belgium (mixed touch). Would be good to start up again here...
Hello! I' m a 20 years old girl, and I ve been playing Touch Rugby in Italy.. I would like to join this group... are you still looking for people?
Where and when?

excuse me for my english!!!