Tour Advice?


Jul 6, 2011
Hi All,

I am looking at some options to do a tour in a few weeks (I'd like to do one that features Salta, Atacama Desert in Chile and the Uyuni Salt Flats in Bolivia) and am wondering if anybody has had any experience with a company called 'Say Hueque'? Any feedback - good or bad - or any other recommendations about tour companies to look at? Say Hueque looks to be a lot cheaper than a lot of other options so I am not sure if I should be wary about the quality of the experience(!)

I've been looking at these guys too. They seem pretty legit to me. The problem with the above link is that it may have just been a "one off" bad experience. If you hear anything else, post it up and share. Cheers :)
I am actually starting to think that this review IS a one-off as I have done a bit of searching around and have found several really positive reviews about them. I suspect I will end up using them.

Out of curiosity, which tour(s) are you looking at and have you considered any other companies?
I don't know anything about tour companies but my best friend of eight years is a travel consultant, is 100% honest and bi-lingual. His name is Marcos Maggiore and his office is located downtown. His work number is 5219-02000. [email protected]