Translation help needed


Jun 6, 2005
I'm trying to translate an official document and am having trouble with a couple of things. Could someone help with these. THANKS.

1) Concuerda con su matriz que pasó ante mi....

2) COMPARECE (attending?)

3) justifica la identidad el compareciente con el documento relacionado que en fotocopia certificada en sus partes pertinentes agrego a la presente

(the identity of the person appearing with the related document is confirmed by a certified photocopy of its pertinent parts to the present???
The last bit "en sus partes..." is not clear to me

4) para que perciba el precio

5) subscriba o no boletos de compraventa..... ("subscriba?)

6) el encomendado
oh the layers and their fancy words!!. they do this because if they didn`t they'd be out of work!!.
im no expert here but...
just to give you some ideas
1)its tricky, the text you copied is rather short. the matriz is one legal document that can be used to compare thing to (later on). he probably has a copy is his hands and certifies that is (true and?) accurate to the original (he has the original as well).

3) the old dni is like an small book so they just photocopy same pages of it.
may be: the identity of the person appearing is confirmed by document (dni mind you!) and a certified copy of its pertinents parts its attached

2)appears before cort/judge??? maybe

4)i thinks it means to be paid the amount of...

5)something along the lines of "registered". as there's record of it it.
5) the word itself means something along the lines of "registered". as there's record of it it.
so it doesnt matter in this case if there are or there arent boletos, ok?. in this case the actual existence of the boleto compraventa could be unimportant.
it depends on the rest of the sentece.
1. Agrees with the original which has been before me/which I have seen
2. would want context
3. The person appearing establishes his/her identity with the (related?) document, a copy of which, the relevant parts duly certified, is hereby attached
4-6 would want context