Translation help

my wife(Argentine)says the obvious,a storage shed,but for me that is some huge shed!!i guess storage hanger would be close,good question though Joe
JoeBlow said:
Can anybody provide me with a name in English for this type of structure? I already know the translation the bilingual dictionaries give, but I'd like to know if there are other ways of referring to this. Thanks.

JB Im an Arabic to English translator so feel free to take my suggestion with a pinch of salt but you're talking about an "out building" in English which basically means a storage shed of some capacity.
I would call that a warehouse. You could qualify it with "storage building". In my experience a hangar is generally planes only, and either way it's spelt "ar", not "er"!
In AU/NZ we call it a shed.. they are usually used for stuff like grain, fertilizer, sand etc.. they are designed so trucks can tip inside and turn around without restriction..
Thanks to everybody for their help. If any other speakers from the US (any ag people out there?).