Tupac Amaru


Jan 2, 2007
Can someone point me towards some good information (and by good, I mean factual and impartial) regarding the Tupac Amaru group?

I've heard it's an organization dedicated to helping the poor. I've heard they are solely dedicated to social work and not at all political. I've heard that it is very political & funded by K's and they were provided arms. I've heard (but can't quite understand it) there is a political connection between them and the madres de la plaza mayo where may/may not be a good thing. I've been sent several videos (which on the surface at least seem a bit disturbing) In short, I've heard a lot of very different things and I'm curious what is remotely accurate.

I've already checked out their website, is there anything written from an impartial third-party source?

ETA - And on an entirely unrelated note, I just realized that American rapper Tupac Shakur actually had the full name of Tupac Amaru Shakur. I assume he was named after the assasinated Incan leader, not this group however.
First (of course but you already know about it), the MTA (movimiento Tupac Amaru) has nothing to see with the Peruvian MRTA (movimiento revolucionario Tupac Amaru) which was kind of a terrorist one (for as long as "terrorist" means something nowadays).

A balanced article seems to be one like this

It has close links with the Kirchnerism but not only, it's mostly a social movement.
As for weapons being given to them, I've never heard of that.
I've heard and read that they have military training, a very interesting supply of weapons, close ties to the FARC and Shining Path Movement, and support from Cristina. Sounds like more than a standard social movement to me...
This sounds to me like the Judean People's Front/People's Front of Judea* situation all over again.

*From "The Life of Brian"**

** A popular cinematic entertainment, m'Lud
mcaffa said:
I've heard and read that they have military training, a very interesting supply of weapons, close ties to the FARC and Shining Path Movement, and support from Cristina. Sounds like more than a standard social movement to me...

I've been browsing the archives from La Nacion (which can't be suspected of sympathy towards left organisations) and the supposed link between the FARCs and a group named Tupac Amaru concerns the Peruvian MRTA which has strictly nothing to do with the Argentinean MTA.

They only share the same reference to the Incan leader, nothing else, but that explains the confusion in people's minds.

Again in La Nacion, the only act of violence that involved the Argentinean MTA was an escrache againt Morales, a senador.

Later on, Morales accused the MTA of promoting violence & accused them
to have 500 weapons in their possession. Nothing was ever proven, this accusation was made a week after he was a victim of an escrache, and until now this escrache is the only violent act attributed to the MTA.

The Argentinean MTA (left organisation) is rather known for his multiple social actions across the country :
- 68 houses built in Chaco
- 2 barrios built in Mendoza :
and so on....

Beware of the confusion with the MRTA !
It reminds me of a gossip concerning a French politician 30 years ago, while visiting Washington, he gave an interview to a newspaper called "the Washington ???" (don't remember which) and he was quite proud of it... The only thing is that it was not the "Washington Post" but it was a controversial newspaper.... Danger of confusion about names !
French jurist said:
I've been browsing the archives from La Nacion (which can't be suspected of sympathy towards left organisations) and the supposed link between the FARCs and a group named Tupac Amaru concerns the Peruvian MRTA which has strictly nothing to do with the Argentinean MTA.

They only share the same reference to the Incan leader, nothing else, but that explains the confusion in people's minds.

Again in La Nacion, the only act of violence that involved the Argentinean MTA was an escrache againt Morales, a senador.

Later on, Morales accused the MTA of promoting violence & accused them
to have 500 weapons in their possession. Nothing was ever proven, this accusation was made a week after he was a victim of an escrache, and until now this escrache is the only violent act attributed to the MTA.

The Argentinean MTA (left organisation) is rather known for his multiple social actions across the country :
- 68 houses built in Chaco
- 2 barrios built in Mendoza :
and so on....

Beware of the confusion with the MRTA !
It reminds me of a gossip concerning a French politician 30 years ago, while visiting Washington, he gave an interview to a newspaper called "the Washington ???" (don't remember which) and he was quite proud of it... The only thing is that it was not the "Washington Post" but it was a controversial newspaper.... Danger of confusion about names !

I think you are correct the MRTA operated in Peru and was a terrorist organization. Their most infamous action was the seizing of the Japanese embassy in Lima Peru back in 1997. The Argentian organization is not related to the group in Peru. However I have read some concern that some of these groups funded by the Kirchners could now transform in to para-milatary organizations with perhaps with less than benign intentions. This is one worry of what could occur with a power vacum left with the death of Nestor. This possiblity is mentioned in the article linked below.

mcaffa said:

Ok ! But what I wanted to point out is that the connection between the FARCs and a movement called Tupa Amaru is about the Peruvian Movimiento Revolucionario Tupa Amaru, not the Argentinean MTA.

Both names are so close it's easy to get confused (in particular for the FARC connection which really exists with the MRTA).
gouchobob said:
I think you are correct the MRTA operated in Peru and was a terrorist organization. Their most infamous action was the seizing of the Japanese in Lima Peru back in 1997. The Argentian organization is not related to the group in Peru. However I have read some concern that some of these groups funded by the Kirchners could now transform in to para-milatary organizations with perhaps with less than benign intentions. This is one worry that could occur with a power vacum left with the death of Nestor. This possiblity is mentioned in the article linked below.


Indeed, there's always a risk that pro-active groups could engage themselves into violent operations. The fact they are on the very left side of the political panorama does not make them a threat per se. Anyway, their counterparts on the very right side are supposed to be quite heavily armed.

For as long as the Republic can maintain the balance in-between the extremisms & has the ability to impose its views, then the future lies ahead.

It's difficult in such instances to know what is true or not since, in a country where 40% of the population flirts with the poverty line, it's always frightening for the "owners" to see the lower classes get organized and eventually get educated.

There's some kind of a culture of the confrontation in Argentina that I don't see in France for instance : to see here protests and counter-protests willing to fight is something quite dangerous imho.

As far as now, the MTA has been known (except for the Morales escrache) for its pacific & very constructive acts. Moyano is another thing btw.
French jurist said:
Indeed, there's always a risk that pro-active groups could engage themselves into violent operations. The fact they are on the very left side of the political panorama does not make them a threat per se. Anyway, their counterparts on the very right side are supposed to be quite heavily armed.

For as long as the Republic can maintain the balance in-between the extremisms & has the ability to impose its views, then the future lies ahead.

It's difficult in such instances to know what is true or not since, in a country where 40% of the population flirts with the poverty line, it's always frightening for the "owners" to see the lower classes get organized and eventually get educated.

There's some kind of a culture of the confrontation in Argentina that I don't see in France for instance : to see here protests and counter-protests willing to fight is something quite dangerous imho.

As far as now, the MTA has been known (except for the Morales escrache) for its pacific & very constructive acts. Moyano is another thing btw.

I agree, its to early to tell. Moyano and D'Elia and like thugs however did show their potential for violence back during the farmers strike a couple of years ago when people opposed to government where imitated and some cases roughed-up. An not to subtle implied threat of violence has always been element with these groups.