UN World Happiness Report out Finland # 1,.. US # 18, Argentina ?

D.B. Cooper

Oct 7, 2012
The difference for many people, comparing NYC (EEUU) and BA is that in BA people put things in dumpsters and in NYC they would be taking things out of dumpsters.
How happy are Argentines? Doesn't Argentina have the highest number or Psychologists and psychiatrists percapita in the World?.Finland probably has the least number.
I wonder where Argentina ranks in the number of divorces?
We know where Argenuela ranks in inflation. That surely makes people feel happy. ..
I'll save my comments about Portenos who constantly lie, are jealous, arrogant, pretentious and nasty for later. These are not characteristics of happy people.
Argentina is #29 for anyone wondering. ;)

Only 4 places ahead of Saudi Arabia(!!).

More surprisingly China is #86, behind Libya, Honduras, Pakistan et al. During my short stays in 4 different cities in China a couple of years ago, people in that country seemed to be the happiest in the world.

I don't like this ranking.
I read that Argentina ranked #24 in happy people in 2017
"Mommy, what's fake news?".
If Argentina is #24 most people of the World must be VVEERRYY unhappy.
As a frequent visitor to Finland in the past I'm surprised it's at the top. The locals openly admitted to me they're very happy during the summer months but tend to go a bit crazy during the long dark winters especially those who live in the more remote parts. I'd have no hesitation in saying Argentines are much more happier than the Finns.

I can't stand the heat so I find the summers here hard to handle. I've been a right grumpy sod the past few months.