Uruguayan Author Changes Mind On 70's Manifesto

You know I read that article last week, and I saw how Galeano said he found his tone and his prose cringeworthy, but I didnt see him anywhere renouncing his contentions from the book, as stated in the article. Has anyone seen the original interview? If so please post a link.
You know I read that article last week, and I saw how Galeano said he found his tone and his prose cringeworthy, but I didnt see him anywhere renouncing his contentions from the book, as stated in the article. Has anyone seen the original interview? If so please post a link.
I thought the same thing. And I am also looking for more detailed information. However, I read this again:

In his remarks in Brazil, Mr. Galeano acknowledged that the left sometimes “commits grave errors” when it is in power, which has been taken in Latin America as a criticism of Cuba under the Castro brothers and of the erratic stewardship of Venezuela under Mr. Chávez, who died last year. But Mr. Galeano described himself as still very much a man of the left, and on other occasions he has praised the experiments in social democracy underway for the last decade in his own country, as well as in Brazil and Chile.

“Reality has changed a lot, and I have changed a lot,” he said in Brazil, adding: “Reality is much more complex precisely because the human condition is diverse. Some political sectors close to me thought such diversity was a heresy. Even today, there are some survivors of this type who think that all diversity is a threat. Fortunately, it is not.”
It is sad how people sometimes lose their courage as they grow older, and feel they must apologise for the fiery rhetoric of their youth. OTOH, who knows what pressures were brought to bear upon this man. Look at what was done to Goldstone to force him to recant. Time and truth are both mutable, and what was said 40 years ago may not be true today. No man ever steps in the same river twice. But that doesn't mean there is any need to apologise.
It is sad how people sometimes lose their courage as they grow older, and feel they must apologise for the fiery rhetoric of their youth. OTOH, who knows what pressures were brought to bear upon this man. Look at what was done to Goldstone to force him to recant. Time and truth are both mutable, and what was said 40 years ago may not be true today. No man ever steps in the same river twice. But that doesn't mean there is any need to apologise.
I read it completely differently Possum (and again all I have to go on are the few quotes in the short NYT article). Galeano is not Noam Chomsky where the whole point is activism; For Galeano, his books aim at poetry and elegance (many of them are novels). In the interview, I get the point that he found his younger writing style excruciating (poetically) and that he does not agree with some actions by leftist governments, but I did not see him anywhere renouncing the views he expressed in his original book, just his style. I get the feeling the article is extremely misleading (par for the course for NYT).
You know I read that article last week, and I saw how Galeano said he found his tone and his prose cringeworthy, but I didnt see him anywhere renouncing his contentions from the book, as stated in the article. Has anyone seen the original interview? If so please post a link.

Draw your own conclusions..!!! In 1971 when the book was published, Castro's Cuban Revolution was something promising :rolleyes: and There was a strong Soviet Union and Vietnam War.


A 43 años de su edición original, Galeano afirmó que "no sería capaz de leer el libro de nuevo", y agregó que "esa prosa de izquierda tradicional es pesadísima". Luego, confesó que cuando escribió el libro "no tenía la formación necesaria", y que si bien no está "arrepentido de haberlo escrito", afirmó que es "una etapa que está superada". Por si fuera poco, sostuvo que el libro fue escrito "sin conocer debidamente de economía y política :eek:

And More---

Galeano sigue abogando por las ideas que condenan el neoliberalismo y sigue apostando por un socialismo real. Insiste en la crítica situación en la que se encuentra Latinoamérica, sobre todo entre las nuevas generaciones que no creen en la democracia. Según Galeano, cuando un gobierno adopta soluciones que comprometen a diferentes generaciones, tiene la obligación de consultar el pueblo, porque son soluciones que tendrán repercusiones durante mucho tiempo.

Muy vinculado a este tema, Galeano, comprometido con la causa ecológica, ha arremetido en numerosas ocasiones contra la producción industrial de celulosa en su país y contra el gobierno de Tabaré Vázquez quien según él: «Ha convertido a Uruguay en un centro mundial de producción de celulosa», con las devastadoras consecuencias ecológicas que ello conlleva, pero:
«La gente prefiere morir de contaminación que morir de hambre». :cool:
Great Rich, you just quoted a second hand re-hashing of the NYT article and then a laudatory blurb from Galeano in a Bolivian awards ceremony. And we're supposed to draw conclusions from this?

Oops silly me, I forgot that jumping to conclusions based on minimal source material is the raison d'etre of BAExpats. Carry on.
Great Rich, you just quoted a second hand re-hashing of the NYT article and then a laudatory blurb from Galeano in a Bolivian awards ceremony. And we're supposed to draw conclusions from this?

Oops silly me, I forgot that jumping to conclusions based on minimal source material is the raison d'etre of BAExpats. Carry on.

You are a true Camporista....jajajajaj disqualify , discredit , minimize the sources !!! Confuse the readers data ;Bolivian Awards....?? It was a Mexican Award



Just different opinions No Conclusions on my part!!
