Us Supreme Court Ruling In Favor Of Monsanto

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Mar 10, 2012
The other side of the Monsanto issue;

The US Supreme Court unanimously decided in favor of Monsanto in it's case against an Indiana soybean farmer Vernon Bowman. The facts are that Bowman saved his soybean seeds from a previous planting of Monsanto's Round-up Ready genetically modified seeds and then planted these seeds in a later harvest. When these seeds are purchased the license stipulates a restriction that saved seeds cannot be replanted. The effect is to limit the license on the seeds to the first purchase. Think of it as a license for software. When you purchase software you are allowed one installation - or possibly a few more but only for your use. You are not allowed to give the disc to your friends and have them install the software on their computers. The issue in the Monsanto case is identical.

In this case I side with Monsanto regardless of my feelings about genetically modified crops or their abusive actions in other instances where farmers had Monsanto seeds cross-pollinate their fields through no direct action of the farmer. This is an important case that protects the rights of a company that invests large sums of money to innovate products. Without this protection the business case to innovate would be much less attractive.

Buenos Aires Herald story here

Have a great day.

According to FAO in the 60'e and Dr. Presbich? it was predicted that in the next 50 years millions would be dying of hunger around the World.

With the hybrid, transgenic and modified seeds introduced by Monsanto and others It did not happen!!!
However a small % developed (serious) health problems!

Take your pick!
Agree. Intelectual property should be protected. Just seems weird that for thousands of years , Farmers always kept some seeds to plant the next years crop . It is like going against basic human nature to survive. The comparison to computer software is clear , but I cannot plant and grow software year after year , much less make a salad or loaf of bread with them.

If some soy bean fell off the truck on the way to the silo , on a public right of way , would monsanto be protected for the rouge or wild plants that grew ? If a bird ate some , and shit it out on the corn field , and soy grew , would it be protected ? Obviously it is only in the commercial sense that they are protected from any proprietary intellectual rights.
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