Use Of Argentine Credit Cards Outside Argentina


Nov 7, 2011
Hi everyone, this is my first post, so please be kind with me.

So, I have this problem, next december, my husband and i are traveling to U.S. for the holidays. Since we don't want to spend the money we have outside Argentina ('cause it's taking a lot of effort to take it out) we want to pay almost everything with our local credit cards.

I know that as of september, whatever you buy outside the country, you get the official rate +15% tax. But I also read, that the AFIP was going to keep track of all your purchases (according to your bank statement) and that if you spend more than the 300 usd cap limit, you will have to pay 50% tax rate. Official rate+15%+50%
It’s like if I was to declare in customs everything above the 300 usd that I buy ,and then pay the tax.

Is this true, has anyone had some experience with this already?

This was stated as going to happen however I haven't heard of that being implemented. Obviously if you use your credit cards for hotels, food, transportation, etc - there would be no 50% surcharge since those are services, not good. However if a $1000 charge shows up from Apple or Macys - you in theory should be paying $350 USD in taxes (1000 - 300 = 700 * .50% = $350 USD). I think the issue was how would the gov't know what was goods and what was services and AFAIK, hasn't implemented it yet.
We have the same problem - we're also going to be traveling for the holidays and we'd much rather use the Argentine credit card. Even with the 15% surcharge, it's still a better deal than buying black market dollars. We haven't found out how much AFIP is going to allow my husband to buy, but for 2 people for the amount of days we're going, it's probably not going to be enough. :p

I've wondered too about the services vs goods. If you buy a gift for someone is that still taxable under customs? It is Christmastime after all... but I'm not sure AFIP gives much regard to that.

There's also the possibility of putting items on my American credit card and avoiding AFIPs glare altogether, but as mentioned we're trying to keep the dollars we have - it's too bad you can't pay an American card with pesos. ;)
We have the same problem - we're also going to be traveling for the holidays and we'd much rather use the Argentine credit card. Even with the 15% surcharge, it's still a better deal than buying black market dollars. We haven't found out how much AFIP is going to allow my husband to buy, but for 2 people for the amount of days we're going, it's probably not going to be enough. :p

I've wondered too about the services vs goods. If you buy a gift for someone is that still taxable under customs? It is Christmastime after all... but I'm not sure AFIP gives much regard to that.

There's also the possibility of putting items on my American credit card and avoiding AFIPs glare altogether, but as mentioned we're trying to keep the dollars we have - it's too bad you can't pay an American card with pesos. ;)

If it is a gift and never get into Argentina then it will not be taxed ;) , anyway i'm not sure if this is actually working at all it dificult for Afip to watch all the cc transaction outside argentina and more dificult to even know if you are paying a service or a good, and after that they need to know if you bring it into the country or not, so all in all it seem more a way to scare people to not use the money outside than a real posibility