Vege's - The genetic reason why BA is meat city


Oct 1, 2010
In addition to the meat history of the plains...

Found this today:

Basically South America is mostly O blood type.
Europe is mostly A type.

According to this:

It's advisable for O type to consume meat and
A type people may get on better with more vegetables.

the next time an argentine says `how can you not eat meat, it's natural`, you have the smart ass answer! Beautiful!

Bear in mind the diet evidence isn't 100% science backed but this probably explains why I'm having trouble getting beans and legumes - for the majority of the people here it doesn't suit.
Thank you for sharing your interesting piece of information, however
my family came from Europe more than 100 years ago, I have an blood type A and I ABSOLUTELY love eating meat, in the same way I dislike eating veggies and fruits. So, I will keep enjoying my argetnian food habits.
I used to love meat too, in fact, when I was a child I point blank refused to eat any vegetables and only eat meat and sweet things. I spat out any veg and chose to go hungry when force fed them.

As an adult I met a vegetarian girlfriend. I didn't know she was vegetarian and I didn't notice we were eating vegetarian food. After a month I noticed I hadn't eaten meat! After 6 months I noticed I didn't like the taste of meat... and I seemed to feel better for it. This was pretty weird.

So what I'm saying is, if you haven't tried it for any length of time on your body then maybe you're not qualified to say. Same with sugar, caffine and everything in life. Especially sugar. That's why vegetables tasted lank crap for me as a kid - taste buds full of sugar. $5 says you love espresso.

My Argentine girlfriend has convinced me to start eating chicken again. What with being here I try red meat from time to time and boy it doesn't work for me. Chicken should be a bit easier.

That said I wouldn't be at all surprised if this blood type diet thing is a load of crap! I think that map is rubbish because Argentina is mixed in with Brazil and all the rest and we all know Argentina is more European. I dunno.

This nugget from Japan is more extreme! Like a kind of blood type racism!:


The received wisdom is that As are dependable and self sacrificing, but reserved and prone to worry.
Decisive and confident - that is people with type O.
ABs are well balanced, clear-sighted and logical, but also high-maintenance and distant.
The black sheep though seem to be blood group B - flamboyant free-thinkers, but selfish.
"At the interview for my first job they asked me about my blood type," said a man with blood group B, who wanted to identify himself only as Kouichi."
jajajaja this is hysterical.

I think the argentine diet is ridiculous. It lacks fiber, vitamins, common sense etc etc etc. I had to start taking a multivitamin when i got here because like, my finger nails started falling apart and my skin looked icky.

I'm not saying the average american diet is any better, i'm not looking to start a culture war or something like that. The argentine diet just amuses me, I feel like they're just pouring cream on carbs and finishing it off with some red meat! Being of a different more eastern european/polish body type I can't imagine eating that and not getting wildly fat!

I also think it contributes a bit to the women who eat practically nothing to stay in shape - because its either eat all that fatty food, or quick soups! There is no such thing as switching to foods like tofu and beans and kale and fresh juices and smoothies. Its either steak/pasta or coca light!
Just another Argentine mystery. If I eat the Argentine way I get ill straight away. I don't know how they do it. The hospitals are pretty busy, I wonder how much of that is diet? Would love to see some statistics, maybe I'm wrong and diet doesn't effect things as much as recieved wisdom states.

I guess eating meat without the sugar you can stay thin. Or eating practically nothing.

It's the pattern of eating too. It's weird to snack on a banana or eat out of eating times. Snacking/snall meals can be unsocialable but it's more natural for the neolithic body we have.
And how do they do the whole, get up in the morning and start on a coffee thing? I tried eating just toast once and was hungry by 10am!
Perhaps look at it like this way,
the Argentine day starts at 7pm. Wake up, go to meal with friends, eat until 12pm, go out dancing til 4. Sleep until 7. Work somewhere between 7 and 7 but get a siesta in there somewhere. That way a coffee is like it's in the middle of the day.

Of the places I've been to diet seems to corrolate with the wealth of a country(Norway was the best, Madagascar or here was the worst depending how you look at it). At first I thought it was costs but meat is more expensive no matter, because it takes more land and effort to do than vegetables, so it can't be that.

I think it's great there's no hand holding with adverts about eating healthy like you get in western countries with free healthcare, that's exactly the sort of thing I love about here.