Watch "Crazy" Beck tomorrow


Feb 2, 2010
I would suggest to all (conservatives and communists alike) to watch Glenn Beck tomorrow at 7pm Argentina time.

Also, for all of you that say he is crazy...blah blah blah...Gold hit an all time high today. IF you had followed his advise (like I did) back in 2007 and started buying gold...your money would have doubled (like mine did)'s going to be a GREAT Christmas.

But again, he's crazy so you were probably right not to listen to him and to brush him aside like a another crazy tea party guy.
jaredwb said:
Also, for all of you that say he is crazy...blah blah blah...Gold hit an all time high today. IF you had followed his advise (like I did) back in 2007 and started buying gold...your money would have doubled (like mine did)'s going to be a GREAT Christmas.

But again, he's crazy so you were probably right not to listen to him and to brush him aside like a another crazy tea party guy.

Actually, if you look at some of the older threads just on this forum (going back to the end of '05 and some part of '06), we were discussing how many of us had gone short on the dollar. Some of us have been short the dollar for a decade or more and have done fine. If you need a rabble-rouser like Beck for your financial advice, I wonder what your sources of information are, what you read. During the last decade it's required no great insight to realise the dollar is going to sink vis-a-vis gold and other precious metals. QE1 and QE2 have made the dollar's future even more problematic.

Incidentally, Beck has a personal financial interest in at least one gold coin firm and so it's in his interest to plug gold regardless.