What could the crisis timeline look like?


Nov 2, 2014
I have been so busy with work not to much time to pay attention to news etc. I am wondering if anyone has thoughts concerning timelines or dates to watch for if the current situation really gets out of hand as far as a crisis goes?
I have been so busy with work not to much time to pay attention to news etc. I am wondering if anyone has thoughts concerning timelines or dates to watch for if the current situation really gets out of hand as far as a crisis goes?

I sympathise with others who are just passing through and may have made calculations that are being thrown out of gear as everything changes but - come on now, Pensador, - you are a local now, you are committed to this place and whether things go up or down you and your family, like millions of other families will just weather the storm and get through just as they always have.

One of the first people I met when I first came to Argentina sixteen years ago - in fact it was the first person I met - said they never listened to the news or turned on the news channels on TV because it just made them anxious and besides, history is going to happen whether we watch it on TV or not. If something is important, I mean personally relevant, then friends and neighbours will be talking about it and that in a personal context is where and when to get your news.
Committed is a fact, I have ring on my finger that is not going any place till I am dead and even then it is going in one of those concrete boxes with me. I am just wondering when the ship might go down it looks like that could be next week or next year. I am just curious when I will need to start sending family etc to URU to get USD. And if I should stock up while I can so to say. Think I will stash about a months worth of food at this point anyway just in case.
Likely over several years there will be deteriorating economic situation. In other words, this is the golden age. It will keep getting worse for quite some time.
Seems there is no putting timeline on this for the most part. The last was a 4 year depression that ended in the default. We are heading into recession now. Oh well this should be interesting. Thanks for the replies.