What responsabilities do I acquire with permanent residency?


Dec 19, 2009
I'm currently on a temporary residency that expires later this year. When it expires I know I have the option to apply for a permanent residency. Does a permanent residency create additional liabilities for me like taxes on income outside Argentina?

I'm going to be in Argentina for another year and a half or so, but then I'm leaving and might come back as a tourist, but never to live here again.

Does anyone know if I can just re-apply for a temporary residency instead of the permanent one?
Temporary and permanent residency carry equal tax liabilities, including tax on income outside Argentina. Many temporary residents have not declared or paid taxes on their income outside of Argentina and I haven't heard any stories about the tax man here going after them, at least not yet.

I see you joined the forum in 2009. Are you eligible for permanent residency because you will have that option on the third renewal of your temporary residency later this year? As far as I know you are not required to apply for permanent residency on the third renewal. Permanent residency has the same requirements as temporary renewals...it just takes longer to be approved (several weeks as opposed to several hours).

If you apply for permanent residency this time you won't have to renew it again for the last half year or so...and pay the $600 fee (which could be more then)...or pay the $300 overstay fine (which could be more then) if you don't renew it and overstay. If you have been working in Argentina and making your annual declarations to AFIP and paying the appropriate taxes in Argentina AND you plan to leave in less than two years I doubt that AFIP will ask any questions about your foreign income.

If you have a visa rentista and have not been working in Argentina or making declarations to AFIP they could be checking up on you before you leave, especially if you have been in Argentina more than six months each year. If they you determine that you owe taxes and 36% interest for prior years they could give you a hard time. If you own property here and want to sell before you leave you definitely want to keep your temporary resident status at the least. If you have no assests in Argentina you probably don't have much to worry about. I haven't heard of anyone that was not allowed to leave the country because they owed back taxes.

If anyone has any horror stories that they know are factual I hope they post about them here...as well as correct anything I wrote if it wasn't accurate. Someone recently posted in another thread that foreigners who were out of Argentina for more than 90 days per year had some kind of exemption, but I've never read that anywhere else.
Thanks for the detailed reply! This is my first time renewing and based on what you're telling me it sounds like the best thing for me to do is just to re-apply for a temporary residency. Another two year temporary residency will cover the time that I still need to be here.
Escu said:
Thanks for the detailed reply! This is my first time renewing and based on what you're telling me it sounds like the best thing for me to do is just to re-apply for a temporary residency. Another two year temporary residency will cover the time that I still need to be here.

If this is your first time renewing your temporary residency you are not yet eligible for permanent residency. Your renewal will only be for one year...if it is granted. There is no such thing as a two year temporary residency. Your first temporary residency was only good for one year. If you didn't renew it prior to the expiration date...and if that was more than a year ago...it has already expired...and you will either have to start over at migraciones or go underground.
steveinbsas said:
There is no such thing as a two year temporary residency. Your first temporary residency was only good for one year.

Yes, there is a 2-year temporary residency. It is granted to MERCOSUR citizens. My wife is a MERCOSUR citizen, but I'm not. However, by applying jointly we both get our residency under MERCOSUR rules.

And under the rules that apply to MERCOSUR citizens, we can now apply jointly for a permanent residency at the end of our 2-year temporary residency.

Your statements might be accurate for non-MERCOSUR citizens, I don't know. My wife and I have done everything under MERCOSUR rules given that she is a MERCOSUR citizen.
Escu said:
Yes, there is a 2-year temporary residency. It is granted to MERCOSUR citizens. My wife is a MERCOSUR citizen, but I'm not. However, by applying jointly we both get our residency under MERCOSUR rules.

And under the rules that apply to MERCOSUR citizens, we can now apply jointly for a permanent residency at the end of our 2-year temporary residency.

Your statements might be accurate for non-MERCOSUR citizens, I don't know. My wife and I have done everything under MERCOSUR rules given that she is a MERCOSUR citizen.

Thanks for clarifying. Your situation is unique compared to other members here. I only know one Mercosur citizen (from Uruguay) and she never had temporary residency. She has two daughters who were born in Argentina, so she isn't in your situation.

If future Argentine taxes on income in other MERCOSUR countries is an issue I suggest you consult an accountant before you ask for the permanent residency.

If you're sure you don't want to live in Argentina more than six months in any year in the future why bother?