What's the winter like in BA?


Feb 14, 2011
I just got here. I'm preparing myself for the oncoming drop in temperature.

How bad does it get? Is it noticeable? Dry/humid? Rainy/windy/cold? Cloudy?

Any other cities to compare it to? I'm from London, UK, but have travelled around a fair bit.
The winter in Buenos Aires is mild, but very very humid, so you feel the cold weather very much. Perhaps you get a week around July with temperatures around cero celsious degree as the coldest, but you will usually get a lot of rain. The rest of the winter the temperature is around 5-10 celsious degrees, perhaps 15 degrees at the afternoon.

Definitively rainy and humid, as the city is next to the river.

Personally, after living for a couple of years in the northern hemisphere, I find winters so mild down here, that I only wear cotton socks when I wear sneakers.
It's like Vancouver, but with less rain. And it's not dark as early as London thank god. But it does get cold. It's the type of wet cold that gets into your bone. I bought myself a winter coat a few years ago finally -- it's not a crazy Canadian-style coat but it is a wool coat.

On the brightside -- I only get about a month's use out of it a year.

Often it's quite cold inside of apartments though as there is no central heating, and many apartments only have one or two tiny gas heaters to heat the entire apartment. Double-glazing is not popular in Argentina and insulation is unheard of (ie construction is too cheap to be bothered -- there doesn't yet seem to be the understanding that insulation both saves on gas in winter and helps to keep a place cooler in summer so the A/C doesn't have to be on so high).

There are a lot of mornings where it is only 2-3 degrees when you first get up, but it starts to warm quickly. Rain for multiple days in a row is not common, it might be grey for quite a while, but usually rain comes down hard and short, not the constant drizzle of London or Vancouver.
Its coldish (probably wavers between 5 and 7, occasionally hitting 0 or 1, occasionally hitting 15)... Being outside is completely tolerable with a coat and scarf and light gloves and its not as cold as the UK.
The issue is inside...the majority of houses/apartments don't have central heating and have tiled floors in some rooms, so you do feel it more. My house is frequently colder inside during winter than outside. On the plus side, it doesn't last that long (maybe two months) and while its chilly outside, the sun is still shining...making it 100 times more tolerable than a miserable, damp, grey UK winter.
21 March is the beginning of the fall season. So, most of the month will be summer style, with some breezy days at the end.
A piece of cake compared to northern europe
Roxana said:
21 March is the beginning of the fall season. So, most of the month will be summer style, with some breezy days at the end.
so its sort like september weather here in the states?? how is the weather in mendoza and cordoba?? in march?? I will be traveling there in mid march
You can check with weather.com or intellicast.com for historical averages in those cities. Mainly you will find a continental weather, with more difference of dry temperature during the day and night hours.
Mendoza in March is beautiful. At the end of the month, high on the mountain (Valle de Uco), the popplar trees start to turn yellow. The weather is nice, not too hot, but still feeling like summer during the day. Early in the morning it can be cooler, but not much. The good thing is that most of the tourists will have left by then.