Where Be We!?


Oct 9, 2013
Hey all

My girlfriend and I are looking to set ourselves up in Buenos Aires in the new year. A couple of questions:

1) Is the Christmas/New year period particulary (more) problematic in finding accomodation?
2) What are the sorts of areas we should be looking to setup in?

We are very flexible people, our priorities really are living in a safe location and keeping costs low. We've heard of Belgrano, Palermo, Las Canitas, but any thoughts/tips/opinions would be much appreciated as we prepare to embark on a new chapter in our lives.


Hi, we just arrived too -- my girlfriend and I are living in Palermo Hollywood with our 9 year old twin boys. It's quite safe, and not too far from the zoo, botantical gardens, etc. Welcome!

BTW, yes, dec/new year is tough as it is "high season" here, but there are always lots of places available... just check out Air BnB to get you started. You may want to pay for a few nights, then pay the rest in cash. (Cheaper) Drop us a line if you want to come visit.
Will you be looking for work? If so, no one hires from December to early February and you can´t get new English classes. Of course, if working remotely this won´t affect you.
Expect any paperwork to take a bit longer in the summer--most people don´t go away for long periods like they used to but summer runs of half steam, the heat and humidity also have something to do with this.
In Belgrano, make sure you are careful about flooding.
In Belgrano, make sure you are careful about flooding.

I almost started a thread with: "It's FLOODING in Belgrano!"

Not because I've heard reports, but because I've heard the rain tonight.

It's flooding in Belgrano, it's flooding in La Boca, it's flooding in Las Canitas, it's flooding at Av. Juan B. Justo & Av. Santa Fe...

Somewhere's flooding, my Lord, kum bay ya,
Somewhere's flooding, my Lord, kum bay ya,
Somewhere's flooding, my Lord, kum bay ya,
O Lord, kum bay ya.
Flood zone in Belgrano is Blanco Encalada. Those neighborhoods are safer and nice but also pricier. Nuñez is also nice but farther from the action. During the holidays is not a bad time for finding short-term tourist accommodation. For a long term rental (3-6 months) your options might be limited because many people go on holiday. Better to arrive in November before all the landlords go to the coast or abroad.