Where can I buy a crock pot?


Mar 10, 2010
Surely they have them here but the major stores where I've looked do not. I look at what is there only. Part of the problem may be that I don't know what to call them in castellano.
I bought mine at a small store located at the corner of Arenales and Ayacucho.
Roxana said:
I bought mine at a small store located at the corner of Arenales and Ayacucho.

It's a great store, but they do close for an extended lunch hour...at least they did a few years ago when I lived in the next block.
If you find one here can you please let us know where and the cost? I was just going to bring one home from the States on my next visit since you can get small ones there for 10 dollars at the glorious Target. Honestly, I didn't even bother looking anywhere here because I just assumed that the price would be exorbitant, just like everything else. But if it's reasonable I'll just get it here!
I'm going to stop by that store tomorrow!
How on Earth do you say "crockpot" in porteño Spanish??
You say "arrocera", or you point out to the box with your finger. I paid some US$100 3 years ago for a very simple, medium size crockpot.
Thanks. I did a search but I called it "crock pot" and came up with nothing. Didn't even think of slow cooker. I brought no electrical appliances because someone told me often they don't work here with the transformers, etc. But I'm finding lots of people use them successfully.
Wait, didn't we go over this the last time a crock pot question came up? An arrocera is a rice cooker (found everywhere in Barrio Chino), but a rice cooker is something very different from a crock pot...?