Where could I find pectin? ("pectina")


May 5, 2008
I was in a local "dietetica" more or less and came across some Cassis in a jar for about AR$28.90, so I bought them. I enjoyed them so much for thanksgiving that I thought that they might be yummy to make into a jam. Maybe with blueberries, I haven't decided yet.

But one thing that's in my way is that this place didn't carry PECTIN. So I was wondering if anyone had any advice on exactly WHERE I could find pectin (pectina) to make a bit of jam/preserves/marmalada.

You can buy pectina at a casa de articulos de reposteria, around Once neigbourhood for sure, but also at other areas.
And as a general rule lemon juice provides the same stabilising ingredient as pectin so the juice of 1 lemon per 1 kilo of berries will ensure the jam sets.
Hi one question you add the lemon juice after cooking the berries and once it is cold, I have never done this way and I would like to know
thank you
I put lemon juice about 30 mins before the jam is finished cooking.. That comes from a recipe for chili jam that I do sometimes. Not sure if it makes a difference if its put in from the start or towards the end of cooking.
Anpther place to find pectin is all the orange trees you see around different areas of buenos aires. These oranges are the more sour variety (great for marmalade) and the seeds are very high in pectin . Boil the seeds in a cheese cloth and you can press out all the natural pectin you'll need. Me and my ex used to make marmalade from boh these oranges and they alwys came out great though you do need to be aware it starts of more sour than regular oranges...or just use the seeds from any store bought orange and lemon
hannstew said:
I put lemon juice about 30 mins before the jam is finished cooking.. That comes from a recipe for chili jam that I do sometimes. Not sure if it makes a difference if its put in from the start or towards the end of cooking.

Bebero may well be right about adding it at the beginning and I have no expert knowledge but like Hannstew I tend to add mine towards the end so I can taste for tartness and not destroy the Vitamin C (this is an arts graduate talking not a scientist clearly).
All of this said I have never tried pectin and am tempted if someone can give me the lowdown on how that works.
So pectin is used for all kind of fruits not only on berries jams I make one using peaches and I add an orange in slices to have some citric flavour and comes out great. I will try with lemon juice, I have used gelatin but is not the same and it last a few days like a dessert while I think with lemon juice must last longer.
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