Where to Get Vaccinations


Nov 30, 2009
Hey everybody,

I am traveling to Africa in July and need to get some vaccinations but have no idea where to go in Buenos Aires to get them.

Any ideas? here is what i need:

MMR if not up to date
Hep A
Hep B if not up to date (If you don't have either of these there is a product
called TwinRx that is a combination of the two so you can save yourself a couple shots if the clinic has it)
Tdap if not up to date (so this is your Tetanus booster with Pertussis not just a Td)
Polio - you will need an adult booster dose
Typhoid - exposure to food and water can bring this nasty disease to you. I
recommend taking the vaccine instead of the oral pills if you can as compliance is much easier with the vaccine (obviously).
Anti-Malarial - recommended one is Malarone, their are other ones and each have their reasons not to take but this is the most tolerated from what I
understand. There is another one that has a side effect of potentially
exacerbating Psoriasis so I will steer clear of that.

Thanks for any help in advance!

If you have a local health insurance, a medical doctor will write down a prescription for most of them and will tell you all the details and answer your concerns.

You also may go to Clinica Stamboulian, which is an expert in Immunology.
I went to Stamboulian last week (with a prescription from my doctor) and it was quite simple and easy there. (Granted there was a bit of a wait, but I've come to just expect that now.)
The Hospital Aleman has a special section for people who travel and according to a friend is one of the best. The Stamboulian as mentioned above is also excellent
Have you been to Africa before? Are you staying in one place or moving around? How long do you expect to be there? If you can give some more specific information I may be able to give more specific advice.

For instance I don't see Yellow Fever on your list yet some African countries insist on vaccination before they will let you enter, some insist on it if you are crossing the border from an area where it is known and some countries have no formal rules about certification yet YF is endemic there!

Do you have psoriasis or a tendency towards it? Certain antimalarials should be avoided but none - AFAIK - will induce psoriasis of you didn't have it already. Mefloquine sold under the brand name Tropicur is available in Bs As and is safe with psoriasis but it would be useful to know where you are going and for how long to help select the most appropriate prophylactic. (By the way, I always travel with a maleria remedy as well as a preventative - just in case those little b*gg*rs are immune)