White House unveils cyber ID proposal


Jan 2, 2009
this article is stuffed full of the propaganda buzz words "more security", "more privacy". it's all so good and wonderful, all for our benefit. it will protect us from those dangerous identity thieves and hackers.

and thank god the government came up with this idea because we all know the private sector isn't smart enough.

with everything we have going on right now, this is what they´re expending their energy on. sure, right now it's voluntary - that's how it always starts out. it's called incrementalism. they start off slow so as not to alarm anybody. then slowly but surely they turn up the heat until we've been boiled alive.

Yahoo has filed this press release correctly under "politics and policy"

The issue when new standards are rolled out is not whether their adoption is optional or incremental to individuals, but what gets baked into the monopolized/common parts of the internet protocol implementations and who control administration of them.

The holy grail of new internet transaction standards in the US is micro-billing and micro-taxation. If VAT/sales-taxes can be tacked onto all internet transactions world-wide this would make withholding of taxes and transaction fees transparent.

Current technology already provides for secure authentication of vendors of services, so the claim that we need stronger authentication of vendors seems weak. What this technology appears to offer is non-repudiation of transactions by individuals, which would enable automation of micro-taxation.

Governments prefer that transaction standards be defined and rolled out via licensed and patented industrial consortium implementations because they can then require vendors that implement these standards to build special government-accesible tracking and monitoring features into the implementations, as in ATT phone logs. Once the tracking and monitoring is built into backbone services, micro-billing and micro-taxation of transactions become automated.
The White House also promised that the United States would respond to attempted hacking “as we would to any other threat to our country.” I wonder if they will respond to Murdoch that way!