Why is Nobody Freaking Out About the LIBOR Banking Scandal?


Apr 16, 2010





nicked from reddit:

LIBOR (the London InterBank Offered Rate) is the rate at which banks charge each other to lend to each other.

A committee made up of 16 banks (some sources say "up to 18") determines the average rate which the banks (within this committee) have been charging each other, and report that as the LIBOR. These numbers are self-reported and are not necessarily based on real trades. They "throw out" the highest four and lowest four numbers and average the remaining eight to make the LIBOR.

Why do we care about the banks trading?

Banks lend to each other "to either make a profit or cover any short-term cash shortfalls on the part of the borrower." The banks who are lending the cash make extra profit. If banks have to raise interest rates for lending funds, it means the lending bank is less confident in the loan. This is meant to reflect "the health of the wider banking sector."

However, this committee has been, evidently, lying about it, in both directions (higher and lower than reality.) Because of the fact that numbers are thrown out, it means that it's possible more than just one or two banks are falsifying their numbers.

Effectively, they've been falsifying their credit scores. They've been doing so to make money. Now, "in many cases", these falsifications were made to push rates down, so consumption would go up. They also did this to mask how much financial stress they were under: if they lowered interest rates, it would make them seem more confident. Again: higher consumption, more profit. However, they pushed them higher on many other occasions. They do this, from the evidence we have, at the request of traders.

"Every interest rate in the world is based on LIBOR." Ok, not every single one. But "some mortgages and loans are directly linked to the Libor rate." Most of the remaining loans are at least influenced by it, as it is often used as a benchmark, especially for commercial mortgages and loans.

Individual sources of blame aren't clear yet. The recently-quit chief executive of Barclays Plc "blamed a group of 14 traders out of 2,000" and claimed that he "didn't know about their activities until a week before regulators published their findings." However, these requests and exchanges had been going on for years, so there's a lot of questions around why it took so long to come out. This particular bank (Barclays) seems to have born the brunt of the news flurry: I couldn't find much mention of other banks aside from the Bank of England. I did find a reference to an ongoing US aggregated lawsuit against a dozen (+) banks (including Citigroup and BofA), accusing them of this same behavior (reference). However, as this is currently evolving news, it's possible more banks could come under scrutiny.

TL;DR: LIBOR is the bank-to-bank lending rate. It's self-reported and easy to fake. It has a wide influence in the lending market. We know for sure that traders within one bank faked and manipulated their LIBOR numbers to maximize profits. They did so at the request of other traders.

Sources used:
[2] OP video | [3] CNN article | [4] Businessweek Article | [5] BBC News Q&A | [6] BBC News Article
Disclaimer: I do not hold a degree in Economics or anything Economically-related. Please reference my sources and other sources if you want more info. If I made a mistake somewhere, please be polite and correct me. I've tried to keep this as factual and simple as I could.
seems like the banking system was even more corrupt that Glasgow Rangers. :rolleyes:

Any economists here know any more info?
Nobody is freaking out on this board because its corruption and fraud that doesn't involve Argentina and their heretical lefties.:rolleyes:
And, we might as well add in the latest repulsive news involving Big Pharma, a la GlaxoSmithKline.
LIBOR is internal to the UK market, EURIBOR is for the european market. Both work on the principle that it would be impossible to manipulate without widespread (more than 1, or even 2 banks) complicity in the fraud.

Corruption isn't just a South American issue, it's just that in some parts of the world it is better hidden and only benefits the top of the pyramid.
He has written THE definitive article connecting the rigging
of LIBOR with the rigging of the Bond market and and the
WHOLE rotten financial system...
search: jim willie libor
This is proof positive of an intrinsically unstable system unable to reach macro-economic equilibrium without positive intervention and careful regulation. Why has it all turned bad? One thing contributed at an intellectual level was that Thatcher and Reagan et al started listening to the proponents of the Austrian school of Economics Hayek etc that somehow the market is self regulating and left to its own devices will better generate equilibrium and wealth. Helped to rationalise a political philosophy of "light touch" and the "Night watchman state" and rolling back the boundaries of the regulatory function of the state. The sort of nonsense is still getting spouted. It helps rationalise increased polarisation of wealth and concentration of capital into the hands of the elite. Adam Smith predicted this but to remain sane he had to reach out of economics for a spiritual answer "the invisible hand"

All the controls were taken off and all the warning signals ignored as if economic history never happened and no lessons were learnt. Some like Alan Greenspan, picked for his track record of sloth and lassitude even seem to have believed in supermen and the benign benevolence of computers to look after humankind.

Now at the risk of sounding off let me say that the shock waves of this joint UK/USA investigation isnt going to stop at the London Interest Rate. There were USA banks and German banks involved (12 international banks so far identified for investigation) and their investigations are going to roll out inexorably. Canada has asked for the files and so it will go on. If Libor happened in the UK (still uncertain whether it was a nod or just a wink from the BoE to Barclays) then you can bet it wasn't only there - these are multinational banks and politicians respond in much the same way wherever to the clout of the bankers so the instances and effects are going to tsunami all around the world.

Even China!

thats the point about globalisation.

Even by the 1890's the world economy was so interrelated that the great Barings bank crisis of Argentina had an impact on Europe the rest of south America and to a lesser extent North America.


Maybe Argentina having gone through the bank crisis of 2001 may be safer (relatively). One scenario is that the A$ may become a better prospect than so called "safe" european currencies but I doubt that it depends how bad it gets. No doubt you will hear Cristina and the Gang on about this soon! It so plays into the anti-capitalist hands even Marx will become obligatory undergraduate reading again G Help Us. Better to start by reading Keynes Economic consequences of the peace 1919. I have a degree in Economics amongst other stuff but Smith and Keynes were right the discipline is Political Economy