Will Work For Spanish (For Free) - Ideas?


Aug 22, 2013
Hola todos,

I'm currently learning Spanish, taking classes as well as self-study. But I am missing real-world interaction in Spanish that would really help me. I've done some of the language exchange events like MundoLingo, and they are ok, but not enough for me. If I were in college, I'd have a dorm full of people to talk to.. but I'm not.

So I am looking for a part-time "job" in the Capital Federal, with the catch that (1) I will work for free, and (2) in exchange, my goal is to improve my Spanish through the interaction at this job. This means that the job must have a good amount of speaking interaction in Spanish. But at the same time, my limited Spanish would obviously preclude me from some jobs (although it will improve). I'm posting here to ask for ideas, suggestions from others here, maybe some of you have even done something similar. Of course I'm also open to other suggestions for Spanish interaction.

My education & work experience probably aren't that important, since I don't expect to be doing the same kind of work I do for money, but I'll post it just in case. I'm a software engineer & entrepreneur, 15 years experience programming (most recently in Java, Python), experienced with cloud services, search engines, and a bit of Android programming, I have degrees in computer science and mathematics from University of Texas Austin. As I said, I don't expect to do programming work, I'm totally open to jobs that normally might not seem very fitting. Thanks for your feedback.
I really wonder if most employers won't be uptight about this proposal, for whatever reason, mostly because it's outside their normal box. Have you considered volunteering? In that way you are traveling a more conventional path and may more easily find options. There are a few threads on the forum such as:


At any rate. I think you have the right idea here - really immersing yourself in the language by solving real-world problems. Best of luck!