Your experience switching from Osde 210 to cheaper prepaga?


Apr 28, 2016
To those who self-pay for prepagas/HMOs, has anyone switched from Osde 210 to a cheaper prepaga or to no prepaga at all and just pay out of pocket? If you switched to a cheaper prepaga, to which one, and how’s your experience been? Or, if you pay out of pocket for labs, x-rays, MRIs, etc., excluding hospitalizations, what labs have the lowest prices (Rossi, diagnóstico médico, diagnóstico Maipu, central lab, etc.)? Thanks!
A partir de enero volverán los copagos en la cobertura de medicina privada
How can a provider (or an association of providers in this case) introduce a copay to an existing coverage contract that specifically says that there is no copay? They can increase premiums, they can limit list of providers - OK, we've seen it before. But the copay?
If you switched to a cheaper prepaga, to which one, and how’s your experience been?
You should compare hospitals you can get with OSDE to hosptials you can go with cheaper insurance. Where you would rather be treated - in Hospital Aleman or in Sanatorio Guemes? If you can find a cheaper insurance that gets you to the same hospitals and doctors you can use with OSDE - why not? But many of the cheaper insurance providers give you a single-hospital coverage only.
How can a provider (or an association of providers in this case) introduce a copay to an existing coverage contract that specifically says that there is no copay? They can increase premiums, they can limit list of providers - OK, we've seen it before. But the copay?
It looks like they pulled it back. No more 9% copay.
Por lo tanto, la FAPS informa que deja sin efecto la implementación del copago para los pacientes de las citadas instituciones a partir del 1 de enero del 2022.