Zdravim Z Prahy! Saludos Desde Praga! Greetings From Prague


Nov 20, 2009
Dear friends,
Just a line to tell you I survived the long trip back to these Czech lands!
But it is a very strange place.!!!

Prices are the same as when I left!
The lanes on the streets and highways never change according to the amount of cars and traffic!
Pedestrians cross at the zebra crossings and drivers give them always the right of passage!
And when I came home from the tram stop at midnight last night, I ALMOST(some habits die hard) didn't feel like the imminent robbery was about to happen when I heard nearby footsteps!
And there is only one rate of exchange! Neither black nor blue like those who msut feel like a punching bag after paying over 12 pesos to one USD!

Yes , a strange place indeed! Or is it that I come from a strange place?
Be that is it may, I am back and don't miss the stress of our daily life in Cristinalandia!
But I do miss you!
Time to have goulash and dumplings washed down with a true pilsen!
A good weekend to all!
Sounds like you're making it up. Such a place must not exist. Isn't Argentina the center of the universe and something everyone aspires to?

Damn... I must have been here too long already, hardly recognize myself.
Pedestrians cross at the zebra crossings and drivers give them always the right of passage!

That I just saw in Uruguay yesterday. You might want to hit the other side of Rio de la Plata the next time you come down here! ;)
So glad to hear you made it back safely. Enjoy some goulash for me, as well. And most of all, a good slice of Medovnik cake. Gosh, I could kill to taste anything like that again in my life!
Only 3 months here and I had already forgotten the lovely right of way for pedestrians (among other virtues of Europe) but Argentina too has its virtues.
Only 3 months here and I had already forgotten the lovely right of way for pedestrians (among other virtues of Europe) but Argentina too has its virtues.
And that would be ??? jajaja
"...drivers give them always the right of passage" - I think this is what I miss the most from Norway! There, cars will often slow down just in case someone decides to cross...

But I digress: Esteban, I am happy I got to meet you before you left, however briefly, and thanks for checking in! Enjoy summer!!
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