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  1. L

    Is there a better way to get pesos than Western Union?

    I've been using Western Union for over a year now because I don't do it that often, but I heard it was $1,230 pesos per dollar today. Is there another way to take better advantage of this rate? I only have my debit card.
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    Please can someone help me order something from the US? It's a semi emergency, and I can't do it on my own yet.

    I need these. Last time I went to pick something up that shipped from another country, they asked me to prove that I'm here legally and wouldn't release it to me. I can't do that right now. I'm still working on it. But my partner desperately needs these...
  3. L

    Can someone walk me through this step of the DNI process?

    OK, I went to the US embassy, and they gave me a card for being fingerprinted and an instruction page. I printed the form off like it told me to, and then I saw the part where I have to send this back to America. Do I actually have to do that step? I'm only confused because the lady helping me...
  4. L

    Where to use a printer?

    I need to print off some forms. Where can I do that here? I can’t afford my own printer yet.
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    Anyone know where to find a SAD lamp?

    SAD meaning seasonal affective disorder. We used to have a SAD lamp, but it broke. She really needs a new one. If anyone knows where/how to find one, I'd be really grateful.
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    Currently overstaying and can't afford the ferry or fee. Do I have other options?

    So yeah, I came here a year ago and started trying to get my DNI, but I was also battling pretty severe mental disability, and I just sort of stopped. I got scared. I'm recieving help now, and I want to try getting my DNI again. But now I'm overstaying my passport, and I'm really scared they're...
  7. L

    Where do I get my medical records?

    I'm signing up for medical insurance, and they want copies of my records. Where do I get those here?
  8. L

    Watch Boca Juniors online?

    Or watch soccer in general online? My partner really wants to get into soccer now that American football season is over, and she'd like to go back and watch past games if possible. So if anyone knows a website for watching soccer live, I'd be really grateful.
  9. L

    Went to post office. Am i going to get deported over this?

    I tried to buy some stuff off ali express, and i just went to correo argentino to pick it up. She said immigration has to allow it, and asked me to prove that Im here legally. Are they going to come after me now? Please tell me my fear is irrational. I can’t afford to leave.
  10. L

    What medical insurance do you use?

    Looking for recommendations. Not sure if I've found a good deal or not. I didn't have any at all when I came here, but now I'm financially secure enough to start looking, and everything I've found through Google so far just looks so skeevy. Plus, I can't find one that will cover medication. I...
  11. L

    Lactaid or something like it?

    Do they have anything like lactaid here? I couldn’t get my pharmacist to understand what I was looking for. I think he thought i wanted him to import lactaid for me? I don’t know. If anyone knows what I should ask for, I’d be really grateful.
  12. L

    Good way to buy English language books?

    AliExpress is going to take a month to get here. Does anyone know a better way to order them quickly? My partner ran out of stuff to read.
  13. L

    Has the best way to get USD changed at all?

    I'm getting ready to pay my rent. Normally, I would go to Western Union with a ton of pesos and buy the USD that way (I have a learning disability, so I'm really bad at haggling.) But with all the upheaval, is there a better way now? Is it worth trying to find blue dollar at the moment? I...
  14. L

    Can anyone recommend a good stovetop cleaner?

    I've been sick for the last few weeks, and now that I'm starting to finally feel better and get the apartment back in order, I've found the stovetop is perpetually sticky. Back in the States, I just used dish soap, but that doesn't seem to be helping here. I don't know if I left it too long or...
  15. L

    Quick question about Western Union

    I found a WU location that does cambio, and I tried to ask this question to them directly, but language barrier. So I need to send dollars to myself. Can I just receive my transfer in dollars there, or do I still need to go through getting my money in pesos and then going to other counter to...
  16. L

    Has anyone seen Häagen-Dazs?

    I know it's silly, but I'm really craving some vanilla Häagen-Dazs. There was a Jumbo on Av Cervino that carried it earlier this year, but I went back last week, and I guess they don't anymore. Does anyone know where else i could find it?
  17. L

    Could someone make a phonecall for me?

    I've been trying to get into the dental college for over a month now. At first, it was my own fault. I caught the flu. But I've been trying to get in for three weeks now. The first one, we were a little too late. They said come back next week. I came back next week, and the guard told me it was...
  18. L

    Does anyone know how long it takes the ambulance to arrive

    Hoping by the time I get a response, it won't be relevant anymore, but right now, it's been an hour, and I'm scared they're not coming. I couldn't call myself. I had to text the maid at this Airbnb, and she doesn't speak English. She said she called them, but doesn't know how long it will take...
  19. L

    What is seguro de caución de Finaer?

    Google translate says it's some kind of surety insurance, but I don't know what that means or who to talk to about it. Also, is this another one that I'll need a DNI to get? I'm still working on that.
  20. L

    How to receive mail 2023

    I found this thread But it's from 2010. I wanted to know if anything has changed. Also, do I need a DNI, or is my passport sufficient? I'm still moving almost every week, and I can't figure out if the police will give me a...