Search results

  1. P

    USD-denominated rentals - do landlords only ever accept cash?

    Question in the title. Do landlords only ever accept hard currency or do they ever accept bank transfers (either domestically or in the exterior)? Many thanks!
  2. P

    Defensa al Consumidor - using CABA service after trying with national?

    I filed a complaint throught the national Defensa al Consumidor and it seems like they're taking a while to proceed. (Probably because of job cuts, IDK.) I'd like to file a second complaint through the city Defensa al Consumidor. Am I able to do that or will they see that I've already tried...
  3. P

    Any ideas why the blue and MEP rates have dropped so much this month?

    Any and all ideas welcome.
  4. P

    Is there a sugar-free Gatorade equivalent? Preferrably in powder form

    Looking for something like G2 in the USA, especially in powder form so I can mix it into my waterbottle. I only ever see full sugar Gatorade and Powerade and quickly browsing Mercado Libre I don't find anything else. Suero I guess is an option, but I think of that more like Pedialyte than for...
  5. P

    Soldering services/battery replacement in BA?

    The battery is starting to wear down on my Bose bluetooth headphones. Replacement batteries are easy to obtain in the US; I plan to get one off Amazon next time I'm back home. But to install it you need someone who is good with soldering and a hot air gun. Does anyone here know of any...
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    How to acclimatize to the humidity?

    I've been here for five months (and I've lived here before) but I just can't seem to acclimatize to the humidity. Is there anything I can do? A few weeks ago, when it was similarly warm, I was on the subte and I was dripping with sweat even as the other passengers all seemed to be fine. I'm...
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    Anywhere to find American-style legal pads?

    Does anyone know if/where I can find American-style legal pads (the ones that fold over the top short edge)? I’ve been to several librerías and can’t find them.
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    Tracking the foreign card rate vs. the blue rate

    What I've been getting vs. the blue rate since mid-April.
  9. P

    Does anyone have a contact at Personal the internet company?

    Trying to get an issue resolved for nearly three months and nobody from their customer support seems able to do anything.
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    Foreign credit card and ID #

    Since I've arrived in Argentina I've been using my passport number with my American credit card whenever I am asked for my document number. Does that mean the credit card is now locked to that number for purchases in Argentina? Like, if I try to use my American driver's license # instead...
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    Carbon monoxide detectors

    Arrived from the US a few months ago and I am interested in getting one of these for my new place. Found a few on Mercado Libre which seem to be much cheaper than the one I looked at tonight at Easy Palermo. Here's an example. Why would this type be so cheap? Why would the other type (also...
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    How to charge SUBE card online?

    How do you actually add value to the card online or through cell phone? Is it possible to add value without a local bank account? Can I add one-time or recurring amounts using a foreign credit card?
  13. P

    How to call toll-free 0800 number from internet phone?

    I need to call a few 0800 Argentine toll-free numbers and I can't seem to do it through Google Voice. Does anyone know if it is possible from a U.S. Internet phone number and if so how?
  14. P

    Best places to study/work?

    Looking for the best coffee shops/libraries/whatever to sit and work for a while with my laptop. Some place with good Wi-Fi, electrical outlets, good lighting, clean bathroom, and a safe vibe. My place is kind of small and I'm sick of spending so much time here!
  15. P

    City-run compost drop-off points - anyone here ever used?

    Looks like the city announced compost drop-off points in mid-2021. Link below. Did anyone here ever use one of these? Are they still around? Is there some other way I can dispose of compost instead of just throwing in the trash? I'm in Recoleta...
  16. P

    Too late to get tickets for the Superclasico?

    I've never been to it and I'd like to go this year. What's the best way to get tickets at this point?
  17. P

    Fichas for LavaYa-managed washing/drying machines?

    Moved into a new building that only accepts these fichas as payment. Super of building says I can buy them only at this one kiosco near the building (and no place else). I'm skeptical. Does anyone know where else I can buy them and perhaps in bulk?
  18. P

    Need to buy a fridge - are these Argentine brands OK?

    Just moved here, into an apartment where I need to buy my own fridge. These are on the cheaper end and I'm wondering if anyone can comment on the quality of these specific brands/models...
  19. P

    Self-service laundry in Barrio Norte/Recoleta?

    Recently moved to BA (specifically Barrio Norte) and I'm hoping to find a self-service laundry (worried if I drop off whoever does the laundry will damage or lose my clothing). Any recos welcome. Thanks!
  20. P

    Any place to watch the World Baseball Classic game tonight between USA and Venezuela?

    Wondering if anyone knows of a bar or somewhere that will be showing it. A dubious proposition, I realize.