Any BAExpaters living in Bariloche now?


Aug 22, 2013
There used to be 1 or 2 members living there... is anyone from the forum still in Bariloche?
Most expats have left Bariloche and only a handful are still there. El Bolson and San Martin de los Andes have sizeable expat communities
Soulskier is the only one I remember and he left Bariloce years ago.
We left the area after they robbed my wife when I went to the store for a 10 minutes. Its full of mafias, and thieves. Dont go there unless you have a shotgun, and body Armour.
We left the area after they robbed my wife when I went to the store for a 10 minutes. Its full of mafias, and thieves. Dont go there unless you have a shotgun, and body Armour.

You have much more chance to be robbed and ripped off in Capital Federal than in Patagonia . People are much happier down there even if they are living with much less . Its not a perfect life but certainly much better than many other places in the world
You have much more chance to be robbed and ripped off in Capital Federal than in Patagonia . People are much happier down there even if they are living with much less . Its not a perfect life but certainly much better than many other places in the world
You have much more chance to be robbed and ripped off in Capital Federal than in Patagonia . People are much happier down there even if they are living with much less . Its not a perfect life but certainly much better than many other places in the world

I would respectfully disagree, let me tell you why. I lived there for almost a year

There is less population there, if you have computers, tv's, etc, people look in windows of all new comers to the area. As I said there are mafias of thieves, they infiltrate everything there, banks, government agencies, schools.

Let me give you examples of how they find targets, you have a child in school, who speaks English, and Spanish, the english teacher takes a special interest in talking to your son. Then a few weeks later she shows up on the empty lot next to your small farm, saying she bought it. She has some men with her who start cutting weird paths all over the land, exits to an empty river bed so to speak.
Then at night you start noticing the dogs are barking all around your place, you go outside and hear someone running, you give chase and spot 3 men near your property, when confronted they run like cowards. you call the police they talk to the men, and they say they were just having a beer on the empty lot. This goes on for months. then your electric starts getting cut at odd times, you see the same men, and call the police again, they talk to them again. But say there is nothing they can do. You see people driving down the road late at night and during the day like maniacs, again the police do nothing.

Then one day the power cuts off at 5 pm, your family is taking a nap, you go to the store to buy them some facturas for when they wake up, gone 10 minutes and on your way back your stopped by the neighbors telling you your house has been robbed.

You find out your family is ok, and safe first then use your skills from the military to track the thieves, you find their trail quickly because they left running like maniacs dragging a few items and even dropping a bat along the way.

Their tracks lead right to the english teachers house, to an out building, you see one of your bags, but are more interested in the thieves and serving them up justice, you track them to where a car was waiting, find tracks leaving and notice cameras near where the car was park.

The police show up, you tell them where you tracked the thieves to, and about the teacher, you also tell them about the cameras.

The Police bring photos to you to identify the men, your wife identifies them, they are arrested with much of your belongings, the police officer in charge tells you they caught them with all your stuff. The Radio announces that the police recovered all your items and apprehended the thieves.

A week later you get a call from the DA for the area and they want you to identify your stuff, even though they already have photos, serial numbers, and a complete well organized list.

The police officer in charge comes by to tell you hes sorry, he knows some how, some way, some of your things have gone missing.
You go to the office of the attorney in charge of prosecuting them, he tells you to be careful what you identify as yours, again, he has a complete list.

Some of the stuff the police took into custody, coin collections, your military gear from the war, are now missing.

But you identify the rest, even though you have receipts, serial numbers etc, they keep your phones and other items. 6000 dollars in usa currency is now missing. You will never get it back. money you withdrew from the bank a day before the robbery, you were going to pay as a down payment for land and its now gone.

When I spoke with people in the area, they said EVERY new comers was robbed, unless they had security or guns. And sometimes they were robbed too. I spoke with people from Bariloache who said it was worse now, than ever before same as el Bolson.

we were in the middle of no where, the thieves came from Bariloche, El Bolson, and Epuyen. We saw some of our items selling less than 3 days after the robbery in Capital Federal.

In Capital, its easier to blend in, because there are more people, and bigger easier targets.

Do some research, my story is factual, the thieves are real, and the system helps them to steal there. All the thieves were released because the attorney said we left the country and she couldnt get in touch with us. She called us the day before the trial to release them to tell us she was going to give us one of our phones back, we asked if we should come to the trial, she said no, it wasn't necessary. Then in court she told the judge we were gone, she had no evidence.

The system helps thieves, but exactly WHO are the thieves, and who are they working for?

As I said you can blend in easier, BUT if someone marks you, they find you wherever you are!
Oh I also found out she didnt buy the land, and if you looked at the paths they cut, they all came from your land through the briars, and rosa moscetta , towards the river bank behind your house going towards her house. We found the real owner, and he denied everything, but the story changed the new week, when he was approached by the police.

We also saw the man who works for the electric company who cut the power that day, he was shopping in bariloche 3 days after the robbery.

A man who lived in a shack, with no tv, was suddenly buying a tv, new shoes, new backpacks, pants, heater, all name brand items, when previously he barely had enough money to buy a sack of potatoes, and had credit at the local store to buy stuff because he was barely making it on his pay, or so the store owner told me.

Another guy who worked for you a few times helping you cut Rosa Moscetta, suddenly bought his children new bikes, bought his whole family new coats and was on a drug and alcohol binge as well.

These are facts. nothing more, nothing less.

Thieves are everywhere in my country, and here, sometimes they hold positions, sometimes they are the front men, who actually rob the house, but they are all thieves.
By the way, I love it down there, most of the people are good people but they wont fight against the thieves because they are afraid of them.

As i said, buy a shotgun, its the best investment you could make when living in an isolated area, this is true, there or anywhere else in the world.
There used to be 1 or 2 members living there... is anyone from the forum still in Bariloche?
I lived in Bariloche for about 8 years, but have been back in the UK for the last two years.

I know many expats that have left, but there are still lots living in Bariloche, although very few were ever active on this forum.