Ba Herald Question


Oct 14, 2014
I really haven't posted here much, but enjoy reading the forum. While I don't currently live in Argentina, my wife is Argentinian and we plan on moving back to BA at some point. I follow the new in Argentina quite closely - I really like to follow politics - and regularly read La Nacion and Clarin. I used to read the BA Herald, but I found it increasingly pro-K - in some instances embarrassingly so. For instance, I notice when there is generally bad news for Kirchneristas, there are no updates on the BA Herald - they just remain silent. Lot's of other things, but I stopped reading it because I found it too partisan (although perhaps because I'm not a fan of K). However, I read a post here recently that leads me to believe the BA Herald online, and the print edition, are very different. Could someone here enlighten me on the details, and/or background/history of the BA Herald?


Regarding the English-language media in this country - or whatever passes for the same - I've found that the K slant is often directly in inverse proportion to the cuality (sic) of the writing and keeping to accepted English-language norms. For example, most English-language news would call Macri's party Cambiemos, not Let's Change. And a ton of Spanglishisms or trying-too-hard translations.
The poorer the writing, the stronger the K-slant. It a rule which usually holds true.
Stevied. If memory serves me correctly The B:A. Herald was originally named The Standard and was founded in 1860s or thereabouts.I began reading it here in 1979.Until the advent of the internet it was widely respected and enjoyed a large readership.During the last miltary dictatorshp (1979--'82) the editor Bob Cox was a celebrated proponent of free press in Argentina.After it wes purchased by Ambito Financiero (I don't remember the year) its quality in all areas declined rapidly.I used to buy it only on Monday for its world business section which was excellent.Although,I think that section has been eliminated. In my view,without the aforementioned business section,it is not woth purchasing.
Hi, thanks for the responses. I don't know that I've noticed a bunch of translation problems, but I did notice the pro-K slant which ultimately has led me to stop reading the paper. Is there any other english language daily that you guys would recommend? My spanish is ok, not great - I can usually ready La Nacion or Clarin without too much trouble, but as I'm sure you know, Porteño is a bit different, and I often have trouble with the idioms.
Keep reading the baherald precisely because its pro k. The closest to the truth probably lies inbetween clarin and la nacion on one side and baherald and pagina 12 on the other.
The Herald belongs to Cristobal Lopez a friend of this government who has done a fortune due to his bonds with power, hope it helps to understand the change in the newspaper-
Keep reading the baherald precisely because its pro k. The closest to the truth probably lies inbetween clarin and la nacion on one side and baherald and pagina 12 on the other.

Perfíl/La Nación/Clarin........The truth..................................................................................................................................................................................Herald/Página 12
The Herald belongs to Cristobal Lopez a friend of this government who has done a fortune due to his bonds with power, hope it helps to understand the change in the newspaper-

That explains a lot. As for La Nacion or Clarin, while I realize none of the media is without bias, I can usually get a sense of the daily news from them, and Infobae. I am not a fan of this current government - they are manipulative and corrupt. I don't know what holds for the future, but I hope Macri gets a shot. The country needs something different - and while Scioli seems like a nice guy, he also has sold his soul to K and La's a shame. I don't know how Macri will be, but for me, he has the advantage of not being tied to the current government, and that gives him the edge in my book.

PS. The Bubble was a good suggestion, thanks very much.