Baexpats End Of Summer... Pizza & Beer Night Out Anybody ???

D.B. Cooper

Oct 7, 2012
Ok,… here's the plan. We at Banchero's on Ave. Corrientes corner Talcahuano st. two blocks from the Obelisco. ([background=transparent]Corrientes, Av. 1300 y Talcahuano)[/background][/background]
[background=#fcfcfc] We could meet on the last Friday of the month (March 28) say around 8:00 PM. [/background]
Depending on the number of people who should up, we order several large pies with different toppings and some bottles of beer/sodas etc.[/background]
When the bill comes we just divide the total by the number of people who show up. Can't imagine that the per person bill would be over 100.00 pesos[/background]
But It all the depends on the number of people who show up, how many bottles of beer are consumed. [/background]
I'm a three slices tops kind of guy. I'm a retired baby boomer myself so all ages welcomed. [/background]
[background=#fcfcfc]Ok,… here's the plan. We at Banchero's on Ave. Corrientes corner Talcahuano st. two blocks from the Obelisco. ([background=transparent]Corrientes, Av. 1300 y Talcahuano)[/background][/background]
[background=#fcfcfc] [/background]

What is this the Joe pizza party? How bout Almacen? ;) Actually the place doesn't matter, I'll most likely stop by for a pint or two.
Why someone want to eat Argentine pizza when you can have "the best pizza in South America". Siamo nel forno in Palermo has amazing pizza. Just making a suggestion.
Anybody out there coming to this pizza & beer shindig ???. Just a chance to eat, drink & be merry :) with fellow expats.
Yes, I'll come. I'm heading North for the winter in a few weeks so this is one of my last chances. Banchero is a classic.

My favorite Fugazzeta photo:


The only bad thing about Banchero is they only serve Quilmes. So you get a headache with your Fug. Someone want to split a bottle of wine with me?
Hey is anyone going to this? Are people going to force Joe to eat the entire Fuguzzeta by himself!

This is a great chance to go to one of the classic pizza restaurants of Argentina.
So nobody ends up at the wrong table I'll wear my Yale ball cap. (No I didn't go to Yale) It has a Y on it.
Here's my cell in case anybody get's lost. 15-5647-4039