For Americans who are might be thinking of living abroad. Bahrain, Taiwan & Ecuador.

D.B. Cooper

Oct 7, 2012
Interesting NYTimes article for Americans who might be thinking of living abroad.
Bahrain, Taiwan & Ecuador rank as the top destinations. Bahrain ???
Ecuador? Right! What about Chile or Bolivia.

Agreed....definitely not a choice destination for living abroad now. Or, in my opinion, in the next couple of years.

8 October 2019
Ex-Ecuador president Correa denies planning coup attempt from exile

18 October 2019
What Happens Next in Ecuador

i can't think of any circumstance that would make me want to go to mexico these days.

2019 expat destinations.
The top ten:
1 Taiwan
2 Vietnam
3 Portugal
4 Mexico
5 Spain
6 Singapore
7 Bahrain
8 Ecuador
9 Malaysia
10 Czechnia

Argentina ranks 54, out of 64..... Horrors.....!
Malaysia is definitely a GREAT place to live in. A fraction of cost of Singapore and right next to Singapore with great beaches, very safe, friendly people and modern civilization and well connected via flights. Their "Malaysia my 2nd home program" is an awesome deal as well.
Maybe they meant the wonderful Russian Republic of Chechnya. The YouTube blogger "bald and bankrupt" has done some great videos on it. Looks like a terrific place for expats...