How do you pay your taxes here?


Sep 20, 2018
Do you hire an accountant? Do it yourself? What is the deadline for each year?
I have wondered this myself.

For the lower income range, I am not sure much happens except VAT of 21% when money changes hands at the POS (Point of Sale).
What taxes are you referring to? Bienes Personales or Ganancias? I pay Bienes Personales and I use to hire an accountant that charged me big dollars for a simple form. After 15 years of that, I decided to try to do them myself. Success! I spent long hours doing them and created a special checklist showing me all the steps I needed to take to get the taxes done, so I could repeat the process the following year. Well, the following year came and all the links and site references I had documented, no longer existed. So, I had to hire an accountant again! You can't win.
What taxes are you referring to? Bienes Personales or Ganancias? I pay Bienes Personales and I use to hire an accountant that charged me big dollars for a simple form. After 15 years of that, I decided to try to do them myself. Success! I spent long hours doing them and created a special checklist showing me all the steps I needed to take to get the taxes done, so I could repeat the process the following year. Well, the following year came and all the links and site references I had documented, no longer existed. So, I had to hire an accountant again! You can't win.
I have made templates for infrequent activities and or followed the last example to complete the subsequent example. Your idea was a good one and similar to my method. Good approach.
Well i mean assuming my residency goes through, how do i even get started? do they have me fill out some forms in the interview?
You will not be eligible to pay ganancias (and bienes personales since the eligibility is the same) until the 13th month after Migraciones has granted you a temporary residency:


Art. 119 - A efectos de lo dispuesto en el segundo párrafo del artículo 1º, se consideran residentes en el país:

b) Las personas humanas de nacionalidad extranjera que hayan obtenido su residencia permanente en el país o que, sin haberla obtenido, hayan permanecido en el mismo con autorizaciones temporarias otorgadas de acuerdo con las disposiciones vigentes en materia de migraciones, durante un período de DOCE (12) meses, supuesto en el que las ausencias temporarias que se ajusten a los plazos y condiciones que al respecto establezca la reglamentación, no interrumpirán la continuidad de la permanencia. (Expresión “de existencia visible” sustituida por “humanas”, por art. 79 de la Ley N° 27.430 B.O. 29/12/2017. Vigencia: el día siguiente al de su publicación en el Boletín Oficial y surtirán efecto de conformidad con lo previsto en cada uno de los Títulos que la componen. Ver art. 86 de la Ley de referencia).

Then, you may even get out of ganancias (and bienes personales) for the following two years if you undergo a procedure in which you successfully demonstrate that you have no intention of remaining permanently.

No obstante lo dispuesto en el párrafo precedente, las personas que no hubieran obtenido la residencia permanente en el país y cuya estadía en el mismo obedezca a causas que no impliquen una intención de permanencia habitual, podrán acreditar las razones que la motivaron en el plazo forma y condiciones que establezca la reglamentación.

But find an accountant and get professional advice.
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Do you hire an accountant? Do it yourself? What is the deadline for each year?
By all means, get an accountant - it is money well spent. Even if you could do it yourself once, regulations change every few months, and it's a full time occupation to keep track of all the changes.
Can anyone give me a general idea of what the accountant will do, will they also help you understand US tax laws like foreign earned income, or will they just help you file in Argentina? Any recommendations are welcome too, please feel free to DM.

Even after reading older posts here for hours I'm still super confused. I have no income in the US other than a little capital gains. I just want to have a regular job here in Argentina, like teaching english - pay Argentine tax on that, and get a few hundred per month from my capital gains in the US for living expenses. Thanks for any replies!
Can anyone give me a general idea of what the accountant will do, will they also help you understand US tax laws like foreign earned income, or will they just help you file in Argentina? Any recommendations are welcome too, please feel free to DM.

Even after reading older posts here for hours I'm still super confused. I have no income in the US other than a little capital gains. I just want to have a regular job here in Argentina, like teaching english - pay Argentine tax on that, and get a few hundred per month from my capital gains in the US for living expenses. Thanks for any replies!

If the assets which produce the capital gains the US in are in your name, they may be subject to the bienes personales (personal assets) tax in Argentina. If your US capital gains income is presently more than (about) $500 dollars per month, any amount above that may be taxable in Argentina, but am not certain. If your capital gains income is only a "few hundred" I doubt that you will have to declare or pay tax on it in Argentina. These are questions most Argentine accountants should be able to answer.

If you live in Argentina year round and spend less than a month in the USA per year, you can make about $100,000 USD per year without paying US income tax on it, but you will hgave to claim the foreign income exemption. I beleive you will still have to pay FICA (the Social Security tax) and the Medicare tax as well on any income you generate in Argentina.
If the assets which produce the capital gains the US in are in your name, they may be subject to the bienes personales (personal assets) tax in Argentina. If your US capital gains income is presently more than (about) $500 dollars per month, any amount above that may be taxable in Argentina, but am not certain. If your capital gains income is only a "few hundred" I doubt that you will have to declare or pay tax on it in Argentina. These are questions most Argentine accountants should be able to answer.

If you live in Argentina year round and spend less than a month in the USA per year, you can make about $100,000 USD per year without paying US income tax on it, but you will hgave to claim the foreign income exemption. I beleive you will still have to pay FICA (the Social Security tax) and the Medicare tax as well on any income you generate in Argentina.
Thanks @steveinbsas this is very clear and helpful! Do you have any recommendations on accountants?