Medical Insurance Question For Part-Time Ex-Pats


Oct 14, 2014
In the next few years, I plan on living in Argentina part-time (less than 6 months of the year to avoid bienes personales), and likely in the US the other 6 months. I will be living on investment income. My wife and I have OSDE in Argentina. I'm trying to sort out what I will do for the part of the year we are in the US, that won't cost me a fortune. My initial plan is to just use our OSDE plan, and if anything costly or serious comes up while in the US we would return to Argentina for treatment. However, it may be that some of you ex-pats also do a back and forth between Argentina and somewhere else - so if anyone has any suggestions, please advise.


But are you sure that traveling to the US and getting a US health insurance will cost less than paying bienes personales?

I don't have OSDE, but my plan doesn't cover me when I am abroad. They do offer health insurance when traveling abroad for a discounted cost (I think the discount is around 5-10%...minimal).

On another account, my Argentinian health insurance allows me to "put on hold" my health insurance with them for periods of min. 3 months, during which I would pay 50%. I still fail to see the convenience in this. I doubt they won't take me back if I cancel and then re-apply.
Thanks Serafina - we actually want to live in the US part-time anyway - if it weren't for the bienes personales, we might do less than 6 months in the US, but we would do some amount of time in all cases. Plus, that tax, for us, on worldwide assets would be a very large sum - so definitely worth it to avoid.