Motorbike Trip To Salta End March


Sep 18, 2009
This is a trip I was going to do late last year, but a shoulder problem put paid to it and we went by car in January instead, which isn't the same, but it was still impressive.
I'll be leaving early on the 30th for the run to Jesus Maria, Cordoba (750 kms), then early the next day to Famailla (530 kms) and finally the run to Salta and then south to El Carril (380 kms), where my friends live.
The two hotels on the way up are about $250 the night so I'm not expecting much, but most importantly, they have good closed garages for the bike, which is important.
I'm glad i've already done it in the car, so I know what to expect, however I'll be coming a different route on the way back for a bit of adventure.
Meanwhile, I'm preparing the bike and getting psyched up.
Looks like a good ride, hope you will post about it eiher when you are there, or when back.
This is a trip I was going to do late last year, but a shoulder problem put paid to it and we went by car in January instead, which isn't the same, but it was still impressive.
I'll be leaving early on the 30th for the run to Jesus Maria, Cordoba (750 kms), then early the next day to Famailla (530 kms) and finally the run to Salta and then south to El Carril (380 kms), where my friends live.

After 750 kms in the saddle you'll probably be ready to give thanks to both J and M.

When will you be back? Was hoping to see you this time - I'm in town till 9 May.
Did this trip but went through La Rioja and Catamarca, then on to Jujuy and into Bolivia, then back to BsAs. I'm jealous. :)
Planning to be back 6th or 7th of April, but that's not written in stone.
Built-in flexibility.