No Problems With Immigration


Jul 10, 2007
just returned to the US after a 10 day stay. I had no problems with immigration. thought it was relatively the same as a year ago on expenses. had lots of fun with great weather. one last thing. I had some of the most heart warming experiences with the average argentine on the street going out of their way to help me when my Spanish was breaking down. feliz navidad
How many overstays did you have? Since how long in Argentina?

Sorry for the questions, but likely a few expats on the forum would be interested in hearing a positive story!
How many overstays did you have? Since how long in Argentina?

Sorry for the questions, but likely a few expats on the forum would be interested in hearing a positive story!

If, as the OP wrote, that he/she "just returned to the US after a ten day stay" there should have been no reason whatsoever for him/her to have any problems with immigration in either country.

I'm sure the OP was talking about a ten day stay in Argentina because he/she would not have had many "heart warming experiences with the average argentine on the street going out of their way to help (them) when (their) Spanish was breaking down" if they had been in the US. :rolleyes:
sorry frenchie, I have been able to play by the rules. no overstays but lots of arg stamps. they usually have trouble finding my last entry. they are looking though.
The OP never had a problem because there was never an overstay. Frenchie just misread the first post... :rolleyes:
I overstayed twice (or was it 3 times?) in 2012/13, then moved back to the States and married my Argentine husband. We just got back into BsAs for a month long stay and I was a bit worried they would pick up on the fact that I used to overstay my visa (I was here for about 3 years) and question me about this stay. But nope, just a stamp and a wave....

and this was by FAR the easiest pass through customs I've ever experienced - they used to at least ask "de donde es?" to each person, wave the foreigners through and then look more closely at the Argentines' suitcases (my husband was once stopped so they could look in our carry on, which was stuffed with about 30 pounds of U.S. candy ^_^ ). This time they didn't even look up from their phones.
...and this was by FAR the easiest pass through customs I've ever experienced - they used to at least ask "de donde es?" to each person, wave the foreigners through and then look more closely at the Argentines' suitcases (my husband was once stopped so they could look in our carry on, which was stuffed with about 30 pounds of U.S. candy ^_^ ). This time they didn't even look up from their phones.

With less than a year and counting until CFK is gone, no one even gives a &@$# anymore.

Feliz Janucá y Feliz Navidad!
God I am on the verge of canceling my trip home for Xmas because I haven't been able to get my precaria in time to travel back to the states on the 24th. This will be my 3rd overstay. I went to migraciones yesterday and the guy I spoke to basically said it's a crap shoot - I'd probably be OK but I could of course have problems getting back in. I'm just missing the damn FBI criminal report - have my fingerprints but no way I can get them there and back aspostiled in time. All of this is my own fault for not doing it sooner but it's a bum out for sure!
God I am on the verge of canceling my trip home for Xmas because I haven't been able to get my precaria in time to travel back to the states on the 24th. This will be my 3rd overstay. I went to migraciones yesterday and the guy I spoke to basically said it's a crap shoot - I'd probably be OK but I could of course have problems getting back in. I'm just missing the damn FBI criminal report - have my fingerprints but no way I can get them there and back aspostiled in time. All of this is my own fault for not doing it sooner but it's a bum out for sure!

If you travel back to the US after receiving your FBI report you will have to do it again, even if you've already submitted it, so it's actually best if you get it after your trip. If you have all your paperwork to apply for a Visa, just take that with you and you can show it to them leaving and coming back and you'll likely be fine.