Protest Trump Inauguration And Women's March At Us Embassy


Mar 21, 2009
The U.S. Embassy informs U.S. citizens living and traveling in Argentina of two demonstrations scheduled to take place outside of the U.S. Embassy (located at Avenida Colombia 4300 in the Palermo neighborhood of Buenos Aires). You should expect disruptions in public transportation and traffic near the Embassy.
  • Friday, 20 January, at 17:00: “Frente de Izquierda” is calling for a protest against the Inauguration of President Trump. Numbers of participants are unknown at this time. This planned protest is considered anti-American in nature.
  • Saturday, 21 January, 11:00 to 14:00: A “sister march” in conjunction with the Women’s March on Washington in response to the election of President Trump. Numbers of participants are unconfirmed at this time, but anticipated to be in the hundreds.
Even demonstrations intended to be peaceful can turn confrontational and escalate into violence. You should avoid areas of demonstrations, and exercise caution if in the vicinity of any large gatherings, protests, or demonstrations. Review your personal security plans; remain aware of your surroundings, including local events; and monitor local news stations for updates. Maintain a high level of vigilance and take appropriate steps to enhance your personal security and follow instructions of local authorities.

I'm glad to know about these events, not to stay away, but to participate!
YES!! I'll be marching in the US, but am glad to hear of sister events in BA and know that other expats are participating. Great opportunities to protest divisive political tactics and celebrate both our diversity and our unity!
Oh hell grin and bear it, same as some of us had to do for 8 years watching how our country was going to hell in a handbasket, the funny part of it is that these are the people claiming not to be prejudice against anyone yet they are willing to protest a president who hasn't fuck up once yet, hell he ain't even the president B)
I envy these Argentine demonstrators. I wish I was as unaware of my irrelevance as they are. It must feel really good to think that your protest against Trump in Argentina means jack shit. Just imagine the sense of accomplishment they must feel...without accomplishing anything. That is what real happiness must feel like.
We have enough cynicism from our new US President, don't we?
The word gets around when there are worldwide protests. Those who think they are useless, or support things as they are, can simply choose not to participate. No need for the trash talk when one of the freedoms we take for granted is the right to peacefully assemble and protest. Many other citizens of other countries don't have that right. It wasn't so long ago that Argentines didn't have that freedom.
No need for the trash talk when one of the freedoms we take for granted is the right to peacefully assemble and protest.

I guess freedom of exp<b></b>ression is limited to the anti-Trump protesters in Argentina. Either fall in line or shut up. Got it.
We have enough cynicism from our new US President, don't we?
The word gets around when there are worldwide protests. Those who think they are useless, or support things as they are, can simply choose not to participate. No need for the trash talk when one of the freedoms we take for granted is the right to peacefully assemble and protest. Many other citizens of other countries don't have that right. It wasn't so long ago that Argentines didn't have that freedom.
you think that's cynical?
Me personally I'll let his but get warm in the seat before I start criticizing, just like I did with Obama.
Happy to see Trump taking the coveted seat. All the best to him.