Hybrid amb, I would like to try that dish for sure.
Do you really cook or is that only a seduction tactic?? (evil grin )
I can swear to my mother that I can really cook.! I do my own cooking daily, go to cooking classes very often in Tokyo .
Then I'm always on the internet video practicing how-to-cook that dishes from the pros! Plus, my brother is a master Japanese
cuisine chef and he very often comes by to tech me how to cook. Impressive indeed, a self-adulation no less!..He,he,hee...
Oh and btw, Iam single, thus do the cooking to and most to myself. Most of time cook too much, then put it awy in the fridge,then
cook some more dishes, put them away, by the time a week has passed, have 6 dishes to re-heat to eat but most of time goes to
the dump ! I know, should not waste foods but, always cooking more ! An obsession, a desire to conquer and satisfy my curiosity.!