Vegans in Violent Incident Protest with Slaughterhouse Workers

Rich One

Jul 17, 2012
Violent strife between Slaughterhouse workers and Vegan followers protesting at the El Monte facility . Vegans do a vigil at the slaughterhouse gates offering water for cows arriving in trucks as a farewell before the final...!

Next will public protests take place at local Parrillas. ..?
Violent strife between Slaughterhouse workers and Vegan followers protesting at the El Monte facility . Vegans do a vigil at the slaughterhouse gates offering water for cows arriving in trucks as a farewell before the final...!

Next will public protests take place at local Parrillas. ..?
have met lot of these vegan girls in last couple of years. They are REALLY MAD....I mean if you talk to them, they seem CRAZY like HELL.
Violent strife between Slaughterhouse workers and Vegan followers protesting at the El Monte facility . Vegans do a vigil at the slaughterhouse gates offering water for cows arriving in trucks as a farewell before the final...!

Next will public protests take place at local Parrillas. ..?

Mental illness is nothing to laugh at.
Violent strife between Slaughterhouse workers and Vegan followers protesting at the El Monte facility . Vegans do a vigil at the slaughterhouse gates offering water for cows arriving in trucks as a farewell before the final...!

Next will public protests take place at local Parrillas. ..?
  • "If we're not supposed to eat animals, how come they're made out of meat?" -Tom Snyder
Distraction tactics from a government falling apart. Keep your eyes on the ball boys and girls, back in the military days were UFOs lol
Violent strife between Slaughterhouse workers and Vegan followers protesting at the El Monte facility . Vegans do a vigil at the slaughterhouse gates offering water for cows arriving in trucks as a farewell before the final...!

Next will public protests take place at local Parrillas. ..?

It was mentioned on TV that the slaughterhouse workers started calling their wives to beat up the Vegan Female protesters.. to avoid being accused of gender abuse..!

The defense of the beef consumers claimed, on Intratables TV Program, that beef is the best protein source,

If you have visited a slaughterhouse you may never forget it..?
Being born and raised here a long time ago when going to a ranch, riding a horse and cow tipping wasn't as unusual as it is now, i can say that the slaughtering of a pig is not something you can easily forget over the years. But it is also a most natural thing.

Them vegan girls should be tested for mad cow disease. I do not believe the workers work there for sadistic pleasure but out of pure necesity. Them girls have to much time and not enough worries or resposibilities in this world.

As Nacha Guevara used to sing in my younger days : « Un buen par de patadas en el culo, les devolverá la Primavera...» or the local version of G. Brassens Le temps n'a rien a l'affaire, aka Los Boludos by Nacha. « Cuando se es boludo, se es boludo».

One thing I personally noticed about vegan girls ( don;t mean to sound pompous but dated several of them - amongst normal ones - here in BA in last 4 years, casually or formally or semi-formally or sometimes "nothing happened")

1. Almost all them are unemployed/ or have no career or have no "titulo".

There was one excepcion, that was a doctor, but she had failed final exams many times! And was struggling to pass the final exams, to get the "titulo"

2. Almost all of them, had issues with their father or the father had left. They seemed to hate humans and mankind.

3. They are always hungry because they eat nothing..If they see a box of pistachios in my kitchen, be sure they will attack it and consume it the food they eat, is not filling enough.

4. They lack energy.

5. They smell weird cos the diet they consume.

6. Any food you give them, they eat it with lot of suspicion, as if you are deliberately giving them animal products.

7. They have no ambitions in life...some of them become tarot card readers!

8. Some of them are homeless or their have fought even with their mothers and brothers.

9. All of them have crazy tatoos all over the body. I guess you all know ? 1 tatoo = 1 abortion ; 2 tatoos - 2 abortions and so on and so forth.

10. i believe they fight for animal rights as they have nothing in their own life to fight for..or focus on.. No objectives in life..