Yet Another Break In

mc kenna

Jul 16, 2013
This time it was my neighbors turn,2 broken windows, most of the steel bars on the windows were damaged and the house was all turned inside out.
I get a call from my neighbors wife at around 9 pm to ask me if i could check on her house since the alarm was tripped in different sectors of the house(she was downtown,pretty far away from the ranch),at the time. i was having dinner so unlike other times that i drop everything to go only to see that it was a malfuction or something unimportant of that nature, i decided to finish my dinner and about 10 minutes later i headed out that way,i also wanted to allow sometime for the alarm people to show up, i didn't wanna be on my own trying to protect a property that is not mine..... so i drive out there(about a quarter of a mile) and i see no one from the alarm co. but i do see all the lights inside the house were on, i thought that was odd, i walked around the wire fence with the house at about 20 yards away from me, i positioned myself right square in front of the main door to the house and i can hear the noise coming from inside,so i hid behind this hedge they have in some parts of the perimeter just to watch, see how many they were, as this is happening , the alarm co dude shows up and apparently he sees someone ,thinking that it was me(as he was forewarned i was gonna be there) starts to call my name, i can see him but he can't see me , that's when i realized it was one of the bandidos,he is talking to calling my name so i come around the corner and told him in my most calm voice to call the cops and to tell them that they were still the dude has his phone in his ear talking to the main office,when he sees me he damn near craps himself and starts to studder almost dropping the phone,by then we hear glass breaking and according to him 2 maybe 3 came out running, i couldn''t see them from my angle....... all he could do is point out the direction the went, which was .......... of course towards my house, so i jump on the truck and raced home let the dogs out and empty 1 clip up in the air, check on the dogs and they were on guard but showing me no inmediate danger or any type of tresspassers , so i walk my perimeter with mis chicas on kill mode all 3 of us, we cleared ,as i'm finishing that my phone rings, it was the neighbors wife had finally made it to her house,she came with her dad armed with a thin shirt and a light vest and even more scared that his daughter, so now they have to unlock the door as the bandidos exit via window as i go back to their spread my other neighbor shows up at their house, that's when i realized everyone is looking at me to clear the house since the cops were on their way from........ jupiter i think(it was gonna be a while) and of course i had "the revolver''(colt45acp hardly a revolver)so she doesn't give me enough time to tell her that it was a bad idea and to wait for the cops and she opens the front door sticking her head inside, i rush to her and pushed her out of the way, now all bets are off, if some of them are still inside i have to go get 'em, i kicked the door and went in, clear first room , nothing, second room, nothing,kitchen clear(luckily i had taken my blood pressure pills on time today), got to the bedromms and bath all clear, so now i worried again about my place and mis chicas, i figured they were about 4 people there now and with the cops on their way, it was time to head back.......came home and had a cup of coffee by now the cavalry had arrived so they are going everywhere lights on sirens and all that fun stuff, i counted 6 patrols all total,a few minutes later they are at my gate asking if they can come in and drive on my pasture to make sure the bandidos are not hiding there, so i opened the gates to let them in ,one of the cops tells me we've got two officers on foot coming at you from your left, anyother movement start blasting , we'll back you up, so i put away the ol'45 and i go to long guns, pia(my big dog) almost gave those two officers a heart attack as she saw them as a threat and charge them, i called her off and heard the nervous giggling of the lawmen(pense que nos comia said one of them)the search went on for almost 15 minutes driving every inch on the pasture as other patrols are doing the same on the roads and back roads,when they decided my place was bandidos free, they widen the search,hours go by,and nothing,so now i headed back the neighbors,the alarm dude is trying to fix the alarm as csi chivilcoy is doing its best to find one single print,that came up empty too by now it's early am and im asked if i could go downtown to tell them what i saw, i did and that's when i was informed when they asked name, dni number, birthday that it is actually today lol go figure!!!!!so happy birthday to me and needless to say, eventhou i had charter reservation for tomorrows chat , i'm gonna let my paranoia wear off a little before i leave the ranch, so that was my evening, how was yours?
This time it was my neighbors turn,2 broken windows, most of the steel bars on the windows were damaged and the house was all turned inside out.
I get a call from my neighbors wife at around 9 pm to ask me if i could check on her house since the alarm was tripped in different sectors of the house(she was downtown,pretty far away from the ranch),at the time. i was having dinner so unlike other times that i drop everything to go only to see that it was a malfuction or something unimportant of that nature, i decided to finish my dinner and about 10 minutes later i headed out that way,i also wanted to allow sometime for the alarm people to show up, i didn't wanna be on my own trying to protect a property that is not mine..... so i drive out there(about a quarter of a mile) and i see no one from the alarm co. but i do see all the lights inside the house were on, i thought that was odd, i walked around the wire fence with the house at about 20 yards away from me, i positioned myself right square in front of the main door to the house and i can hear the noise coming from inside,so i hid behind this hedge they have in some parts of the perimeter just to watch, see how many they were, as this is happening , the alarm co dude shows up and apparently he sees someone ,thinking that it was me(as he was forewarned i was gonna be there) starts to call my name, i can see him but he can't see me , that's when i realized it was one of the bandidos,he is talking to calling my name so i come around the corner and told him in my most calm voice to call the cops and to tell them that they were still the dude has his phone in his ear talking to the main office,when he sees me he damn near craps himself and starts to studder almost dropping the phone,by then we hear glass breaking and according to him 2 maybe 3 came out running, i couldn''t see them from my angle....... all he could do is point out the direction the went, which was .......... of course towards my house, so i jump on the truck and raced home let the dogs out and empty 1 clip up in the air, check on the dogs and they were on guard but showing me no inmediate danger or any type of tresspassers , so i walk my perimeter with mis chicas on kill mode all 3 of us, we cleared ,as i'm finishing that my phone rings, it was the neighbors wife had finally made it to her house,she came with her dad armed with a thin shirt and a light vest and even more scared that his daughter, so now they have to unlock the door as the bandidos exit via window as i go back to their spread my other neighbor shows up at their house, that's when i realized everyone is looking at me to clear the house since the cops were on their way from........ jupiter i think(it was gonna be a while) and of course i had "the revolver''(colt45acp hardly a revolver)so she doesn't give me enough time to tell her that it was a bad idea and to wait for the cops and she opens the front door sticking her head inside, i rush to her and pushed her out of the way, now all bets are off, if some of them are still inside i have to go get 'em, i kicked the door and went in, clear first room , nothing, second room, nothing,kitchen clear(luckily i had taken my blood pressure pills on time today), got to the bedromms and bath all clear, so now i worried again about my place and mis chicas, i figured they were about 4 people there now and with the cops on their way, it was time to head back.......came home and had a cup of coffee by now the cavalry had arrived so they are going everywhere lights on sirens and all that fun stuff, i counted 6 patrols all total,a few minutes later they are at my gate asking if they can come in and drive on my pasture to make sure the bandidos are not hiding there, so i opened the gates to let them in ,one of the cops tells me we've got two officers on foot coming at you from your left, anyother movement start blasting , we'll back you up, so i put away the ol'45 and i go to long guns, pia(my big dog) almost gave those two officers a heart attack as she saw them as a threat and charge them, i called her off and heard the nervous giggling of the lawmen(pense que nos comia said one of them)the search went on for almost 15 minutes driving every inch on the pasture as other patrols are doing the same on the roads and back roads,when they decided my place was bandidos free, they widen the search,hours go by,and nothing,so now i headed back the neighbors,the alarm dude is trying to fix the alarm as csi chivilcoy is doing its best to find one single print,that came up empty too by now it's early am and im asked if i could go downtown to tell them what i saw, i did and that's when i was informed when they asked name, dni number, birthday that it is actually today lol go figure!!!!!so happy birthday to me and needless to say, eventhou i had charter reservation for tomorrows chat , i'm gonna let my paranoia wear off a little before i leave the ranch, so that was my evening, how was yours?

The biggest worry if you catch these guys in your home and hurt them, Would you go to jail?

I mean after all your scared, and they are invading your home.
Wow, how scary. :( You're a brave and somewhat foolish man... should have waited for the cops. Glad they were scared off, though. Did your neighbor lose many valuables or suffer a lot of damages?

I'm glad you made it to your birthday. Imagine what the newspaper headlines would have been.

Happy Birthday! Hope the rest of the day is a calm one.
Wow. Sounds like you deserve a drink. Question-If you shot one of them on your property, would you be in legal trouble? Or in your full right? I'm not sure how it works here and I better figure it out soon lol
As far as i know, if you hurt someone in your home that is posing no mortal danger to you and or your family, then you would be in trouble.... the variables are countless .
Luckily they lost no properties as they were in a rush to leave ,so much so that they forgot their pistol on the table,which turned out to be a stolen police gun,damages, well, yes most to the windows busted including the steel bars and as you can imagine the mess they left
And i concur with aliek , i think im gonna be deserving a drink all day today heheh,
Hahahahaha! Go Pia! She WOULD definitely eat them!

"Though defensive violence will always be a 'sad necessity' in the eyes of men of principle, it would still be more unfortunate if wrongdoers should dominate just men." - St. Augustine
Happy B-day sorry to hear about your dramatic situation. Will miss you today...!!