Recent content by Amplexus

  1. A

    Going to the movies in Argentina

    I NEVER go here cos it's ALL mainstream hollywood rubbish . Unless I'm missing out on something
  2. A

    have you ever heard of them checking how much money you take out at Ezeiza?

    I'm thinking weeeeeey too many people on here are watching the Cronica channel =0) Blimey =0)
  3. A

    Freezers off at night?!

    Indeed . And have you ever tried the pre-cooked 'food' from Coto or Carrefour ? Yuck ! And the other day I went to Carrefour with my two kids to do some shopping with some US dollars the wife had . The stuff I bought came to over 50 percent of a US 100 dollar note . But they tried to insist I...
  4. A

    First post!

    When I first came here I started working for a US call centre . For a company called Young America . Handling what they call in the US 'rebates' . I was on rubbish money and was treated like rubbish too . But I appreciated the experience of how US firms operate here . Bloody awfull ! To me . If...
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    Freezers off at night?!

    This is just a typical racist urban myth . The kind you get everywhere . There was a similar thing here about tiny numbers printed on the packaging . Saying a certain number means the food has been recycled . All the numbers are is to identify the print run from the printers . I'd rather trust...
  6. A

    'ello all =0)

    Hi . This is more like billiards than snooker . But instead of just hitting two whites and a red around . There are 4 skittles in the middle of the table . I think the aim is to knock them down without pocketing the white . I don't really get it . But could be fun learning . While talking...
  7. A

    'ello all =0)

    And a good talking rubbish kind of place of course . I know a nice old fasioned bar near here . With a weird game that's like a cross between bar billiards and snooker . Ain't got a clue how to play it =0)
  8. A

    'ello all =0)

    Hello . Sounds great . I'm living in the Villa del Parque end of Villa devoto . so yeah , close . Would be great to meet up . Will need to check with the boss ( the wife ) for time off to talk rubish . But should be fine =0) When d'ya reckon's a good talking rubbish sort of time ?
  9. A

    Would love to meet creative types that are really putting down roots here.

    I'm a freelance photographer . Mostly boring commercial crap if you can call that creative =0) Any good ?
  10. A

    'ello all =0)

    I'm from Kent in Britain . Now living here ( Villa Devoto ) with mi wife 'n' kids . Not normally a fan of ex-pats hanging out with other ex-pats but been living here for several years now and missing home a wee bit . Would like a bit of talkin' rubbish over a pint and stuff =0)