When the judge is going to discriminate you, the worse you can do is to behave like a sheep.
There are 3 judges who are very xenophobic and with 2 of them I have zero cases.
The ultimate decisión is made by the Chamber of Appeals, not by the judge.
Do I have an increasing number of paralized...
1. Welcome to Federal Law.
2. Regarding children, the executive power enforces the law and Courts interpret it. I won many cases and recently I acted as an expert in citizenship law before the Federal Court of Mar del Plata in a prominent case where it was declared that the distinction between...
The distinction between born in Argentina (indigenous) and naturalized is only for the Presidency who must be born here and military conscription where naturalized have a 10 years exception.
For a racial State, the Austrian dictator who become German Canciller explains, nationality means race...
FYI inflation was less than 50% in those days in pesos while there was not inflation in USD.
Today Miley prints pesos with inflation in USD. Let´s see, the gas was 254 pesos and now is 1374 while the dolar blue is the same. This means over 400% inflation. This increase in the fuel makes all the...