Recent content by ceamescarpenter

  1. C

    Just joined: HOW TO GET DOLLARS from Uruguay?

    RedBROU José Campomar y José Enrique Rodó Juan Lacaze Juan Zorrilla de San Martín 351 Carmelo Gral Flores 151 Colonia del Sacramento Sarandí y Leopoldo Fuica Rosario Banred Uruguay 401 Carmelo Uruguay 417 Carmelo Av. Roosevelt 239 / Puerto Colonia del Sacramento Gral. Flores 503 y Av. Rivera...
  2. C

    Just joined: HOW TO GET DOLLARS from Uruguay?

    colonia dollars. is it possible from any ATM there?
  3. C

    Just joined: HOW TO GET DOLLARS from Uruguay?

    Just learned from them that one can take out up to 1,000 dollars a day in uruguay, and there are two networks from which to use.. Banrd and red brou -- first commercial second state.. Might be a limit per transaction.. And seemingly minimal per transaction charge.. So nice. Wonderful is citibank!
  4. C

    Just joined: HOW TO GET DOLLARS from Uruguay?

    I do not need to get anywhere near 10k US.. but more than three hundred. Anyone know Citibanks in Uruguay -- where I might go? (THANK YOU - AGAIN & AGAIN - EVERYONE.) I'm really broke!
  5. C

    Just joined: HOW TO GET DOLLARS from Uruguay?

    have citibank US account.. how can I get dollars.. take buque bus -- over to there? Is there a withdrawal limit per day? Etc.. etc.