Recent content by El_fuego

  1. E

    Where to sell fine Gold?

    Rand Refinery
  2. E

    Where to sell fine Gold?

    Having trouble finding a serious dealer “COMPRO ORO”, who buys fine Gold at serious prices. but only lots of places that are looking to buy desperate grandma gold. Anyone know a place? Or does only USA have serious gold buyers in the new world? Wtf. Or if you’re interested in 1 ounce bar with...
  3. E

    How's everyone hanging in there with the cost of living these days?

    it works like this; imported products are double the price. this allows the great big ugly industria argentina to sell things at a lower quality and higher price than otherwise would be able to. yay "protectionsim"! it just means, the consumer is screwed and the corporations get rich! don't you...
  4. E

    How much of a problem is the language barrier in your daily life as an expat?

    (28yo yanqui) have lived here over 2 years and began learning spanish 6 month prior to moving here with duolingo, and i'm fluid coming upon a C2 level. however when its late and i'm tired, and i find myself in a conversation about technical complex subjects like last night explaining ideal fuel...
  5. E

    Giving birth in argentina - Will my child be forcefully vaccinated?

    save it , not worth reading your crap, if it’s working for u that’s great , don’t force it on me, my body my choice
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    Giving birth in argentina - Will my child be forcefully vaccinated?

    i had no idea about such evil. and what if you say, sorry no doc, and take YOUR baby, out of their hands / don't permit them to take YOUR baby? what if then? going to arrest you? could you imagine those creeps screaming "GIVE US THE BABY OR WE WILL ARREST YOU"
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    sayri. its loose you have to roll it. but its the only decent tobacco they sell in argentina. atleast that can be commonly found
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    Want to purchase House

    I’ve bought two properties here. The company I’ve used to get cash here does this process. 3.5-5% fee.
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    Has Buenos Aires declined since 2019?

    its a global phenomenon at this point.
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    Real Estate New Building

    It’s legit. You can’t get the real deed on a new build for a few years because the government is slow and doesn’t have enough employees apparently /s . I also own a new build dpto
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    Passport Lost, What do i need to bring to appointment in embassy?

    I lost my passport and have an appointment in the us embassy. cant find out what i need to bring. a photo? any tips would be great. thanks
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    Got married! Now how to get citizenship?

    Thanks for pointing me where to go! Our church waived this supposed requirement of civil marriage first, upon informing them that we couldn't get a turno taken out before our wedding date in the church
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    Got married! Now how to get citizenship?

    Married my love in the Catholic Church a few months ago and finally got it done in the governments eyes there with the lovely ladies at the registro civil. Can somebody point me in the direction of where to go now to finally start getting legal here?
  14. E

    Cleanliness of Palermo or Other Safe Neighborhoods

    Argentina is not much cheaper than USA these days, if that’s what you were coming for. The days of Yankees coming to take advantage are over
  15. E

    Why is the President of Argentina staying in a 4 star hotel?

    Or kind of like other us administrations that overstaff the IRS so everyone gets audited and found out to be in some violation or other and prosecuted