Recent content by jlord

  1. J

    So why did you move to Buenos Aires?

    great thread! i left the uk last august and travelled overground through russia (by rail) and the western US (by bicycle) before doing a planned 3 months backpacking in bolivia, argentina, paraguay and brazil. was just in buenos aires for a weekend in january en route from patagonia to...
  2. J

    Looking for biking buddies

    i'm no professional, but i love cycling. cycled from portland to mexico in october. i don't have a bike here though... so unless anyone can lend me one (i realise this is wishful thinking) i'll have to put this on hold until i can afford one...
  3. J

    getting dollars

    no i'm still here on a tourist visa, i'll speak to a couple of my argentine chums - thanks!
  4. J

    live music in BA

    back in london, i was used to riding my bicycle to some pub/bar or other and watching decent bands (for little money) 3 or 4 nights a week. does anyone know of any venues or promoters that run regular nights of the rock/indie/alternative ilk? don't care if i've never heard of the bands before...
  5. J

    getting dollars

    i realise this is probably a dumb question, but any ideas how i can turn pesos into dollars (apart from the black market)? basically my landlord gives me a rubbish exchange rate when i pay in pesos, so was thinking that this month i could potentially save a bit of money if i can do the...
  6. J

    would like partner for gringo go mic night tonight

    argh too late! are there going to be more of these nights?
  7. J

    Want to meet people

    hi all, i'm new to the city too... be good to meet up with others.. i'm in san telmo so anywhere in the city is pretty easy to get to. keep me in the loop!
  8. J

    Northern Chile and Bolivia recommendations

    internet in south bolivia (certainly sucre/potosí/tupiza/villazon) is terrible. could barely cope with me uploading some photos to facebook...
  9. J


    i agree with callmecarrie - my stomach is the only part of me that really misses "home". all i ask for is one heinz baked bean!
  10. J

    Anyone with a kindle title to lend?

    oh - i also have a bunch of pdfs of books on my kindle. which i can just email you. but because they're pdfs and not proper kindle documents you may have to squint to read a couple of them... PM me if you're interested in those!
  11. J

    Anyone with a kindle title to lend?

    i have a bunch, here are some that i've really enjoyed recently: Hector and the Search for Happiness (Francois Lelord - psychology/fiction?) The House of a Thousand Candles (Meredith Nicholson - mystery) The Hangman's Daughter (Oliver Potzsch - historical fiction) The Bones of Avalon (Phil...
  12. J

    printing digital photos

    thanks folks - that old thread was very useful. will try out a couple of the places with my memory stick (much prefer that to trying to upload the pics online)...
  13. J

    printing digital photos

    hi! i've just moved into an apartment, and want to spruce the walls up a bit with some of the photos i've taken on my travels. i've got them on a USB stick ready to go and get printed out, but i don't have the faintest idea where to go! can anyone recommend an argentine equivalent of snappy...
  14. J

    hello everyone

    i'm jamie, a teacher from london. been in bs as for a few weeks now, having visited while travelling and decided to stay. currently shacked up in san telmo with my girlfriend, doing quite a bit of private tuition work for kids of english/US origin here (mostly literacy and numeracy for 5-11...