Recent content by Ksenia

  1. K

    What To Wear Day To Day!!

    I would strongly recommend against wearing heels on day to day basis. The sidewalks are often uneven, unpaved, or half-destroyed. Also cobble stones >.<. There's a great variety of what people would wear on the street. Most Argentines I know don't really dress up. I think it's ok to wear a mini...
  2. K

    Best Vacation Destinations In December

    Do you guys know if this still works? Can you get resident airline prices without being caught?
  3. K

    Best Vacation Destinations In December

    What is the best way to get to Iguazu Falls?
  4. K

    Best Vacation Destinations In December

    My boyfriend and I are going to have pretty much all of December for travel. What are some of your favorite spots in South America? What must we see? We were thinking about going to the south, Patagonia, see the glacier. That all sounds great, but I'm also a huge fan of the beach and don't want...
  5. K

    People Who Are Free During The Day

    How about next week? Thursday around noon maybe?
  6. K

    Girlfriends Wanted (As A Friend Who Is A Girl) :p

    Alright, someone needs to organize a girly outing of some sort. Looks like there's enough demand :)
  7. K

    English Girl Lost!!

    The fastest way to learn a new layout is to walk around and maybe get lost a couple of times. GPS can become too much of a crutch.
  8. K

    English Girl Lost!!

    I'm in for all of those. What neighborhood are you staying in?
  9. K

    People Who Are Free During The Day

    Hello everyone, I moved to BA with my boyfriend 2 weeks ago. We're here for 6 months. He is here for work, and I am just tagging along. So that means I have a lot of free time during the day. There's only so much walking around by myself I can do. So, if you're free during the day and want some...
  10. K

    Jobs Bar - Drinks And Games - Tuesday Sept 9Th

    We may stop by.
  11. K

    Coffee Chat Fri - 5 Sep, 2014 4Pm (Recoleta)

    It was nice meeting everyone last night. See you next week?