Recent content by lalunadebrenda

  1. L

    I need a plumber

    Do you know of a good plumber, that doesnt over charge and does a good job?? I live area alto palermo. Thank you
  2. L

    Wanted: Boxing Club near Palermo

    Hi, my name is john i have a personal teacher, we practice in palermo. He is great. I can use a work out buddy.
  3. L

    Moving in Jan: info needed please

    Make a friend that doesnt speak any english. Your learn super fast.
  4. L

    Beautiful Moving Sale: everything available for your apartment!

    Medidas de la heladera??. Podriass sacar fotos de su interior? Gracias. Pordonde se retira??
  5. L

    calling cards for calling USA

    Use skipe you can call any phone number chip chip.
  6. L

    Looking for a training buddy

    Hi, im also looking for a male training buddy, we practice in palermo parks right in front of the USA embassy.
  7. L

    Art for Kids

    I live in palermo too. Can you tell me where in palermo?
  8. L

    Art for Kids

    What part of the city are the classes?
  9. L

    Moving--cell phone, netbook, etc for sale

    do ou still have it?
  10. L

    Calling all footballers / soccer players for a tournament in July

    Im from Usa my name is Johnny i would love to play, Im 32 old hahahhaha. My email es [email protected] Thank you.
  11. L

    GOOD Sushi?

    Matsu 48262539 its good.
  12. L

    Any knitters out there?

    Same here let me know if you get someone that can teach us more/. I ll love to learn. Im not really an expat cause im from here!!! hehehhehe
  13. L

    Stuff for Sale - Moving Sale

    where are you located?? would you tell me the prices please.
  14. L

    Hourly wage for cleaner...

    I pay 20 plus bus and lunch.
  15. L

    Nanny and Maid

    Welcome to Buenos Aires Hope you like it!!! I would like to recommend my Aunt who has many years of experience as a nanny and cleaning here and in Usa when she went to visit us for 2 month she has done some work as a nanny there too. Understands english but dont speaks. You can call me at 4824...