Recent content by lela

  1. lela

    In-Home Pet Sitter For Small Dog?

    Hi, I have two small dogs and had two wonderful places in palermo to give them when I had to leave town. Pm me for the contacts...
  2. lela

    I Want To Bring My Dog To Ba...

    Hey there, what airline do u fly with? I choose AA and both times w very good experience! Get vari kennel hard case with screws! Get medium plus for a 20 lb. check this page for travel supply, they were great help to me. Pet Airline Travel Expert - DryFur® Airline approved pet...
  3. lela

    Anyone Traveling From Us To Bsas In The Next Weeks?

    Hello all, I am looking for someone to bring 3 small containers of canine vitamins supplements to BsAs to an elderly lady friend of mine. These are the regular 6-8 Oz containers and its either powdered or tablets. I could ship to your address and then have my friend come pick it up in BsAs from...
  4. lela

    April 1St Picnic - Cancelled

    great, just been spending hours of shopping, cooking and baking...:((
  5. lela

    Dog Trainer Recs? Neighbor's Barking Dog Is Driving Us Nuts!

    hey, pls read your inbox, i just PM'd you !
  6. lela

    End Of Summer Picnic - Cancelled

    boo hoo! tabuleee for EVERYBODY in palermo! had made so much! hope we can make it soon! tnx for organizing! L
  7. lela

    Killing Fields The Battle To Feed Factory Farms

    like to read that! as a convinced veggy i get more and more frustrated and disgusted by the meat industry!
  8. lela

    Fish And Chips?

    yes, last nite, fab and fresh, super friendly and loooved it, but had to walk home, more rolling actually! eat way too much! spicy curry sauce (could be a tiny tad spicier for me and perhaps more expats) and try the fried ice cream! yay thumbs up!
  9. lela

    Killing Fields The Battle To Feed Factory Farms

    A hidden chain of destruction stretches from the factory farms in Europe to the forests of South America - where huge soy plantations, grown to feed chickens, cows and pigs in Europe, are wiping out wildlife and making climate change worse. To make way for soy plantations, thousands of people...
  10. lela

    End Of Summer Picnic - Cancelled

    oh god that would be hillarious!!! yeas, lets do a bsas harlem shake!
  11. lela

    End Of Summer Picnic - Cancelled

    i will be happy to come along! what about the park next to japanese garden, its much greener and nicer too? looking forward, lela
  12. lela

    Has Anyone Ever Brought A Dog From Eze To The States?

    how did your flight go and how is your dog? hope all went well! what did you decide upon traveling with?
  13. lela

    Any Idea Where To Get Cargo Approved Pet Crates?

    i found a pet shop on purreydon ( left side before getting to once) and not sure for the corner street, but way before once more the barrio norte area. they have all sizes and brands so far. one can drill holes and screw with simple ferreteria screws, but lots of cable ties and attach on a bag...
  14. lela

    BAExpats Econ / Politics Meeting October 9th

    missed the last one, coming to this one: 1. GS_Dirtboy 2. clooz 3. El Expatriado 4. demokritos 5.juampi123 6. arlean 7.lela
  15. lela

    does anyone have an iphone or a galaxy?

    send a note to french lawyer ... good luck ! lela