Recent content by lostravenblue

  1. L

    Anybody want to earn a little extra money? I need an assistant

    Thank you, but I doubt it. We're overstaying our visas and don't have DNIs. They made getting them really difficult, and I don't know what to do. I need two people who have been citizens for more than two years to be witnesses for me, and I don't know anyone.
  2. L

    Anybody want to earn a little extra money? I need an assistant

    I don't have a lot of money, but we could discuss that. I need someone who can come over occasionally, take my roommate to doctor appointments and just kind of be a friend to her. maybe make a meal now and again, though I mostly have that handled. You may have to help her shower? That's going to...
  3. L

    Going back to the US soon. Anything I should know about my computer?

    I had to buy a new computer when I got here. I'm taking it back to the US with me, and I'm just wondering if I need a special converter for it beyond just the plug? The US has less voltage, right? So it should be fine?
  4. L

    What does my address look like?

    Do you have to go to the post office to pick them up, or do they deliver right to your house? The only time I've ever tried to pick something up, she demanded to know if I'm here legally, and I'm not, so I was scared to ever try again.
  5. L

    What does my address look like?

    OK, she just tried to send it via DHL, and it just kept saying invalid postal code. She says he tried entering it different ways for about 30 minutes, and it just wouldn't work. Do you happen to know what DHL wants the postal code to look like?
  6. L

    What does my address look like?

    I need to have a bank card sent to me. Does it actually arrive in two days? Alternately, I was just talking to my mom about having it sent via DHL. I expect it would be more expensive, but would it work?
  7. L

    What does my address look like?

    Is there any way to pay to speed this up?
  8. L

    What does my address look like?

    Thank you. I think I was mostly getting it right, though I forgot to have her add Argentina last time. Oops.
  9. L

    What does my address look like?

    I've been having trouble getting mail for like a year, and I just want to make sure my friends are addressing them properly. Can someone tell me or link me to how an address is supposed to look when sent from the US?
  10. L

    How much is the ferry

    I used to have a website bookmarked with the ferry prices, but I've lost it, and I can't find the post where I got it either. Does anyone have ferry prices? I remember the specific website I had wasn't as expensive as just googling it on my own, so that's what I'm looking for. Also, am I going...
  11. L

    Can anyone recommend an english speaking lawyer who can help with my DNI?

    Oh my god, thank you! My best option was going to be out of my price range. I'm still working to afford the FBI background check, but I'll contact you soon, I think.
  12. L

    Can anyone recommend an english speaking lawyer who can help with my DNI?

    I need someone who's willing to sit down with me and just go over everything. I am mildly disabled, and while it doesn't usually come up, it is making this process an absolute nightmare. I can't understand, and I feel like I keep getting conflicting information. So I need more help than just...
  13. L

    New DNI requirements, anyone got a walkthrough?

    Yeah, I don't know if needing to wrangle two witnesses actually streamlines things. Especially when you're new here, you probably don't have any friends yet. I've been here for a year, and I still have no friends. I, uh, never was very good at making friends.