Recent content by noarmadillos

  1. N

    interviews with US citizens living in Buenos Aires

    Hi Emily, I'll be living here for one year as of next week! How the time has flown...feel free to private message me and I'll send you my contact info for an interview.
  2. N

    Down, down, down (a peso devaluation thread)

    While I thank Steve for his earliest contribution to this discussion, his support for an individual like Glenn Beck is bewildering. And this is one of many reasons...
  3. N

    Down, down, down (a peso devaluation thread)

    nothing like a challenge. thanks mate.
  4. N

    What we had for dinner tonight

    This looks amazing. I can't wait to try this. So far my grocery purchases in china town have been limited to those little koala cookies. It is time to take the plunge.
  5. N

    Down, down, down (a peso devaluation thread)

    ah yes, my twisted mind. I always forget to keep that in check. Yeah, I suppose you're right deeve...I should have said "anything desirable." I know that I'm not exactly working in the think tank forming the policy recommendations that my field would require...but I am doing something I enjoy...
  6. N

    Down, down, down (a peso devaluation thread)

    @Barney Why are you worried about my student loans (made quite manageable by the two jobs I've found in the two months I've been here - I was just hired for a gig that pays in USD since my last post)? The second job - for an arts and culture magazine here - pretty much makes my nightlife free...
  7. N

    Down, down, down (a peso devaluation thread)

    What do my US friends do with their* lives**? Most of them have moved back home and work retail to pay off their student loans. I took a leap and haven't regretted it yet, even if I don't have a dollar based income or a trust fund to rely on. Oh, and I don't appreciate your implication - that...
  8. N

    Down, down, down (a peso devaluation thread)

    If by help you mean confirm my fears, than I suppose it does, a bit. Ah well, I'm having a better time than most of my recently graduated friends living in the states, even if I'm broke.
  9. N

    Down, down, down (a peso devaluation thread)

    Well, it's time to pay this month's rent, and I find myself once again calculating exactly how much $600 US is equivalent to in pesos. Today's rate is 1 dollar = 4.14 or 4.18...depending on where you're checking. And a quick look at currency trends for the past few months indicates a steady...
  10. N

    Looking for good jazz, blues, or underground hi-hop clubs..

    I should have mentioned this earlier... I work for and we publish a weekly agenda of cool things happening around town. We even have an english page, so be sure to check it out!
  11. N


    Why are we questioning someone like the OP? I mean, except for the unlikely reason that the OP is a malicious landlord trying to rid herself of competition, we should be thanking her for the heads up. Geez.
  12. N

    Expats making friends with Porteños

    well, my closest argentine friends are also my my bandmates...and yes, I think we would probably take bullets for each other, or move bodies...whatever the case may be. I've just never heard this idea of porteños sticking to their own. But my mates are mainly from San Isidro, San Miguel, and...
  13. N

    Expats making friends with Porteños

    Really don't think that it's all that argentine friends way outnumber my expat friends, and it's always been that way for me. Not that dating an argentine hasn't helped I suppose. :rolleyes:
  14. N

    Thinking of moving to BA

    Definitely agree with Deeve's budgeting here. I think both Falco and the OP will be perfectly comfortable on your respective budgets.
  15. N

    Moving to BA in November

    Sadly, I have to agree with MizzMarr - Constitucion is not the safest place to you'll have to have your wits about ya! That being said, I spent some time living in Los Polvorines, which is a lower class localidad north of Buenos Aires, and by all accounts more dangerous than just...