Down, down, down (a peso devaluation thread)

Philsword said:
No point in trying to explain it to you. I remember your earlier rants in support of Glen Beck, number one nut in my opinion. Logic and reason is wasted on people who believe such nonsense. Argentina is good place for you as Cristina, the peronists, are very similar to the tea party in many ways. A better question is for what you find so appealing about the extreme right, racism, religious fundamentalism, crack-pot thinking? Let us know.

I knew you would take the bait and I expected you to be condescending. Thanks for not disappointing.

Please quote any previous rants I've made in support of Glenn Beck.

I actually do support about 90% of what he has said (the 90% proven correct).

(Perhaps at the least you could spell his name correctly.)

And please quote anything I've previously posted that advocates racism or supports the religious right. I am actually anti-theist and if you think I am a racist you obviously haven't seen my wedding photos.

If Capitalism (as an economic system which means a truly free market) is the extreme right I am in that camp. but that's not what you meant by the term.

And I am very sorry about your small penis.
Steve, sorry to break it to you but if you believe in Glen and the tea party you are almost by definition one a nut and second almost certainly someone who holds racist views. You can't claim support for these people and then disassociate yourself from their views.

As penis's go mine's just fine. I do worry about single guys who live alone in the middle of nowhere, how do you relieve the tension, do you raise your own livestock as well?
Maybe he's on to something here. Argentine women scream and yell and bitch and demand allot of attention and produce a net drain on your wealth. Whereas livestock can be profitable.
While I thank Steve for his earliest contribution to this discussion, his support for an individual like Glenn Beck is bewildering. And this is one of many reasons why:

But this is just my opinion on the matter, and it really doesn't have anything to do with my original posting. So perhaps we could stop comparing our penis sizes and implying bestiality.

I really did just want to hear some informed opinions on Argentina's immediate economic future. Silly me for thinking that would be so difficult. Ah well.
steveinbsas said:
Just what do you find "loony" about the Tea Party? Please be specific.

What is loony about the Tea Party? The raison d'etre of the TP is taxation and it is that central plank that is loony. The TP position on taxation is absurd. The tax rates in the US, especially for the wealthy and large income earners, are among of the lowest of all industrialized nations. US society is suffering from an ever growing disparity between haves and have nots. A large portion of the middle class is slipping into an uncomfortable existence level while the rich are getting richer.

If there is an articuable TP agenda other than the self annihilating refusal to tax the wealthy for their fair share of the load at a time of great budget deficits, it appears to be to simply oppose whatever the addministration proposes without regard to merit.

And please don't claim that lower taxes will generate more revenue. That position has been debunked by all serious econmists including those who worked for Bush.
I'm no tea party supporter, but some facts about US taxes:

2. What income group pays the most federal income taxes today?

The latest data show that a big portion of the federal income tax burden is shoul dered by a small group of the very richest Americans. The wealthiest 1 percent of the population earn 19 per cent of the income but pay 37 percent of the income tax. The top 10 percent pay 68 percent of the tab. Meanwhile, the bottom 50 percent—those below the median income level—now earn 13 percent of the income but pay just 3 percent of the taxes. These are proportions of the income tax alone and don’t include payroll taxes for Social Security and Medicare.
This is an interesting article written by Warren Buffet regarding taxation of the wealthy in the US:

ETA: there's social conservativism and fiscal conservatism. I'm all for choosing where our tax dollars go (and have long been an advocate of the people getting to choose more or less where their money gets funnelled). When it comes to people telling other people how to live or how to think... that's crossing a major line for me. That's where the tea party is abhorrent.
noarmadillos said:
While I thank Steve for his earliest contribution to this discussion, his support for an individual like Glenn Beck is bewildering. And this is one of many reasons why:

But this is just my opinion on the matter, and it really doesn't have anything to do with my original posting. So perhaps we could stop comparing our penis sizes and implying bestiality.

I really did just want to hear some informed opinions on Argentina's immediate economic future. Silly me for thinking that would be so difficult. Ah well.

I will try to refrain when another poster is trying to provoke a reaction.
salgueiro said:
What is loony about the Tea Party? The raison d'etre of the TP is taxation and it is that central plank that is loony. The TP position on taxation is absurd. The tax rates in the US, especially for the wealthy and large income earners, are among of the lowest of all industrialized nations. US society is suffering from an ever growing disparity between haves and have nots. A large portion of the middle class is slipping into an uncomfortable existence level while the rich are getting richer.

If there is an articuable TP agenda other than the self annihilating refusal to tax the wealthy for their fair share of the load at a time of great budget deficits, it appears to be to simply oppose whatever the addministration proposes without regard to merit.

And please don't claim that lower taxes will generate more revenue. That position has been debunked by all serious econmists including those who worked for Bush.

You need to look beyond this valid point and see that this movement has a radical social agenda as well. Basically its put the white man back in charge, get rid of immigrants legal or otherwise, get the blacks back in their place, and a lot more Jesus. This is why this movement is so dangerous and needs to be repeatedly exposed for what it is. I have faith that people will see this and vote the few of these people that are in office now out and move the entire movement back to a fringe group of crackpots that nobody pays much attention to.