Recent content by PatV

  1. PatV

    I'm New To Baexpats & Moving To Quilmes In June

    Also my Spanish is terrible. I've studying using one of those android apps. I have hard retaining anything I learn. Does anyone know of a good place to take classes near Quilmes?
  2. PatV

    I'm New To Baexpats & Moving To Quilmes In June

    I arrive June 4th....
  3. PatV

    I'm New To Baexpats & Moving To Quilmes In June

    Thank you RichardP
  4. PatV

    Are Argentina Girls Really That Bad?

    Argentine women are very passionate, in love and anger. They have a very low tolerance for bullshit.
  5. PatV

    I'm New To Baexpats & Moving To Quilmes In June

    Hello I'm new here and I found these forums to very helpful. I'm currently living in LA (I've in LA all of my life) and I'll be moving to Quilmes in June part time. I'll be living in both places for a bit helping my finance prepare to move to LA with me. I'll be there helping with her parents...