Recent content by perry

  1. perry

    Notario fees

    There is no rhyme of reason with prices anymore and it seems that many people are just throwing out anything and hoping that it may stick . US$ 400 quoted to you was outrageous for a document that takes at most 10 minutes to prepare as its a simple template and adding some details of your name...
  2. perry

    Coffee and cake prices

    Those who support the current government say that there is little inflation now but can they expain how come prices went up three times in us dollars for many products in just one year . This is 300 percent inflation in hard currency never ever happened before in Argentina . The most inflation...
  3. perry

    Notario fees

    Power of attorneys are normally less than US $ 75 in Europe . Its the most simple of documents How much does it cost for a power of attorney in Spain? To arrange a power of attorney, you visit a notary's office, show your NIE (identification number in Spain) and pay an administrative fee (the...
  4. perry

    Notario fees

    When I say US$ 100 it is from a personal escribano friend of mine Fabio Mossechian on Parana and Cordoba . If you want his phone number please reach out . Nowadays in Argentina even simple services seem much more expensive than anywhere in the world like painting your house , fixing your...
  5. perry

    Notario fees

    Prices of escribanos have gone up 150 percent in us dollars since 2023 . A simple document that would have cost 20 dollars now costs up to 4 times more . A power of attorney could be US$ 100 in most escribanias of the capital federal .
  6. perry

    Coffee and cake prices

    Prices are reflective on wages and the government does not set the Price of coffee as it's a internacional Price . Why then is coffee there times dearer in buenos aires now than our neighbours . The reason that everything is so dear now is a determined policy to cut spending creating terrible...
  7. perry

    Coffee and cake prices

  8. perry

    Coffee and cake prices

    I am talking about a simple expreso in a stand up bar in Spain and Iraly . There are thousands of places that one can have this experience with very high Quality coffee . In Buenos Aires Even the carrito lady on the streets with the worst coffee in the world charges this or more . Sit down...
  9. perry

    Coffee and cake prices

    I'm sorry but coffee prices are much cheaper in Europe and of superior Quality . A café in Spain France can easily be had for one euro which is not the case in Buenos Aires
  10. perry

    Coffee and cake prices

    What is much cheaper in Uruguay is parrillas atm . The old mercado by the puerto You can get massive steaks for 20 US dollars . In buenos aires same deal double at similar market . I also find the meat much better in Uruguay it's mainly grass fed !
  11. perry

    Coffee and cake prices

    There is very little need for this in Argentina . Dry cleaning costs are indeed outrageous are vastly more expensive than overseas . Is there anything cheaper in Argentina these days ? These are prices in Australia where the minimum wage is the highest of the planet. The prices are half...
  12. perry

    Coffee and cake prices

    So to iron 10 shirts and pants with socks you are looking at 120000 thousand pesos or 100 dollars . I was looking at ironing prices and they are indeed shocking . A normal lavenderia is now charging 2000 pesos just to iron a tie .!/categorias/2/2
  13. perry

    Coffee and cake prices

    Greek yogurt is very simple to make making the proces in argentina seem like pure robbery . Greek organic yogurt with the most creamiest texturre is 7 euros a kilo in greece Here this product does not even exist of this Quality . Greek yogurt is normally served with wild honey and chopped...
  14. perry

    Coffee and cake prices

    As many know I am greek and greek yoghurt manafuctured here is nearly 3 times dearer than greece . I cannot understand how these outrageous prices can be justified as argentina has more cows per capita than anwhere on the planet. There is a few local brands one is called Kays one tub much less...
  15. perry

    Coffee and cake prices

    4000 per item does this include underwear and socks? Seems outrageous but nothing surprises me anymore !